Dark- Can't Shake This Feeling

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Dark couldn't shake that something was wrong.

Nothing seemed out of place or out of the ordinary but he . . . he just had a strange feeling. It was mid-November and soon to be Thanksgiving in the Iplier Ego household and Mark and Dark had discussed about having a Friendsgiving at Raspy Hill so they'd all just have one big holiday together with Mark's friends AND his egos.

Dark was happy to have it there but he was also a bit worried about what trouble would ensue. 

That and this strange feeling he just couldn't get away from.

The feeling was familiar and yet. . . . odd. He couldn't place it. To get his mind off of it, he started doing pointless tasks and hobbies to keep himself busy. Taking Mark's advice and taking a breather once and a while away from paperwork, Dark would either take a walk, play with a puzzle, or even visit Mark at his place and spend time around him and his pups.

He was laying on Mark's couch playing with a Rubik's cube when he had that feeling again and it sent a shudder through him, making him anxious. Mark felt his aura spasm from in the kitchen, "Hey, you okay, Dark?"

Dark sat up looking confused, "I . . . I don't know. Something just doesn't feel right. Been having this feeling off and on lately. I can't explain it"

Mark hummed, "Hm. Are you sick?"

He shook his head, "Not that kind of feeling. It's like when you feel that something's coming. I don't know."

Dark solved the cube and sighed, placing it on Mark's coffee table, "I've felt it before a long time ago but. . . I cant place it"

Mark looked worried, "Well maybe your brain is just pulling tricks on you. Happens to me sometimes. Just worry about the present. If something does come up then you have full rights to tell me 'I told you so'. Now get in here and help me with this while you're here"

Dark stood up and walked to him, "Help you with what?"

Mark was trying to set up a new camera but was having a bit of trouble, "Tyler and Ethan are going to be coming over tomorrow but my camera guy, Amy AND Kathryn are gonna be busy so I got this new system to help us out. There are two cameras that will record together and it's supposed to follow your movements. I don't know how exactly it's gonna work but it's worth a shot."

"Mark I don't think I'm much help here, though. This is more of Google or Bing's thing. Electronics and I don't get along."

Mark sighed, "Oh yeah. Forgot you're not a techy guy. Sorry. But could you at least help me check the focus? I'm going to go in front of the counter. Can you just tell me how fast it focuses in and out when I move? If it looks good?"

Dark shrugged, "Sure."

Mark took his place in front of the counter and started to act out a video, "Hey guys, my name is Markiplier and today we'll be doing blah blah blah. Over there is the bluh!" he made a silly motion towards something and the camera had to focus. 

Dark watched carefully in the camera's screen. He blinked and he swore he saw someone beside Mark! Dark looked up suddenly but it was just him talking normally.

"We're gonna have Ethan, Tyler and of course ME!" Dark rolled his eyes and looked back at the camera to see the other person still there on the screen. Dark flinched when he realized who it was but when he blinked, he was gone.

Dark cringed away from the camera and Mark suddenly stopped talking, "Dark? Hey what's wrong, man? I know I'm cringey but-"

Dark swallowed, deep in thought before looking back up at Mark, "Mark. . . . how long has it been since you've seen the Actor?"

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