Anti- Just a Nightmare?

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The video above is an animation I made a few months ago. I thought it actually really fit this chapter's creepy feel. Enjoy :) 

It was about a week or so since the voices had stopped. Since he couldn't hear the threats in his head anymore, he decided not to go to Schneep. He didn't want to cause unwarranted panic. But something was still nagging at him. Why did the voice appear at all? Was it just a fluke? Or was he actually crazy?

'Doesn't matter.' he thought, 'It's gone and that's all that matters. Right?'

It was mid-November now and the Halloween decorations were gone and replaced with fall and autumn decor that fit Henrik's style just perfectly but everyone else was really waiting for December so they could bring out everything Christmas.

However, Anti was getting antsy about it. There was a month and a half until Christmas but he still had to worry about getting gifts for everyone before then. This would be the first Christmas  that Anti was allowed to participate in and it made him nervous with each passing day. 

But those were thoughts and problems for a different day! 

Currently it was late at night and Anti was drifting in and out of sleep every so often. His random thoughts had been keeping him awake but slowly but surely, he was floating off into the dream world.

He expected something odd. Something strange and unexplainable in his dreams but what he saw was something else entirely. There was darkness all around him. Just pitch black and the sound of soft cries in the distance.

As Anti stepped into the black void, he could feel something wet on his feet as if the ground was covered in a thin sheet of warm water. The cries were slowly getting a tad louder and he could barely make out mumbling. Something was terribly wrong.

In his anxiety, Anti started to glitch a bit, creating a bit of green light, illuminating him. He felt like he had been walking for hours when finally he could see  a faint outline of someone on the ground sitting hunched over.

"He-hello?" Anti spoke softly, not wanting to scare whoever was crying.

The figure paid him no mind and cried to themselves as if they didn't hear him. Coming closer, Anti leaned down, "Are you okay? Can you hear me?" he touched them softly and they stopped crying, leaving an eerie silence. 

Anti gulped as the figure slowly stood up, their back turned to him. The figure started to chuckle softly, confusing Anti. As he spazzed more, Anti could see from the light he emitted in the darkness that the shadow was covered in a wet substance but he couldn't quite make out what it was with his glitching glowing green.

"Are you okay?" he tried again but the thing suddenly belted out in laughter, their shrill voice echoing in the void. Anti took a few steps back but was suddenly gripped on his shirt collar. 

Anti saw the face of the thing that held him and he shouted in fear, pulling away roughly only to land in the wet. The brighter Anti glowed, the more he saw in the void and a lightbulb was suddenly lit above the creature, buzzing like light fixtures in an office building. Around him were bodies dangling from the 'ceiling' by red nooses. 

Anti couldn't move, he was so scared.

"No. . . . no, no!"

The bodies hanging were his brothers.

Schneep, Jameson, Marvin, Jackie, Chase . . . . Sean.

The demon grinned maniacally, the light shining off his sharp teeth, his eyes black and cold, "̷W̴h̵a̸t̶'̸s̵ ̷w̵r̴o̷n̸g̴,̵ ̴l̵i̸t̵t̷l̴e̵ ̵g̷l̸i̷t̶c̵h̶?̸ ̷Y̷o̷u̸ ̸t̵h̷o̸u̸g̴h̷t̶ ̸I̶ ̵w̸a̷s̶ ̸g̸o̴n̵e̷?̵"̵ it growled.

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