Dark- Trapped

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Teleporting home to Raspy Hill, Dark felt the world around him crumbling. His panic rose and his emotions were going wild. As soon as he forced his way into his own room, he slammed the door behind him nearly breaking the hinges.

He could see their faces still as if they were engraved behind his eyelids and he suddenly screamed, breaking any and all glass in the room, even cracking the thick windows a bit with his powerful aura. 

"Guh! Ahhhh! Hnnnn. . . " he cried with a fistful of his hair in his hand as he fell into his bed.

He had completely lost it. He shouldn't have. He should have kept his cool. He knew Actor was taunting him. Actor had WANTED Dark's breaking point and he gotten it. All he had to do was mention someone he had never really met before.


Why did the mention of her name bring him so much agony? The mere thought of Actor wanting to inflict any harm on her or using her in any way to get to him. It angered him so much.

He took a few breathes, trying to calm himself. He had reacted to violently with his emotions, he needed to try and slow down a bit.

Dark had a thought if any of Sean's egos felt the same about Sean's siblings. Dark and the rest of the Iplier egos felt no connection to Thomas, Mark's brother or his mother but they were still apart of them in a way. Dark knew of the relation but the rest of them, since they were still so wrapped up in Mark's stories for them, felt no connection or relation at all. The connections they felt were for each other and Mark and his closest friends(since they were around most of the time with Mark). But he had to wonder if it was the same for the Septic Egos . . . Did Anti ever feel anything for Sean's siblings like familial love? 

He doubted it. Ever since Anti's freak-out, Dark was convinced that he felt nothing for anyone anymore. How could he?

Getting his thoughts off track, Dark's mind had calmed a bit and he just laid on his back on his bed looking up at the ceiling like an angsty emo kid thinking about life and death. Note he still had on Mark's 'Who Killed Markiplier' shirt so it made him a bit extra emo knowing the message behind it.

He was finally calmed down but he was still upset at his own actions. He ruined everything. All the progress he had made with everyone no longer mattered. They'd just go back to hating and fearing him again.

Suddenly his phone in his pocket rang and he groaned. Wiping his tears and clearing his throat, he pulled out the phone and looked at the caller ID.


Screwing his eyes closed, he just got it over with and answered, "What?" he spoke softly.

Mark spoke almost threateningly, "Dark. . . . Come back right this second." he spoke in a motherly tone.

Dark grumbled, "No."

"Don't you 'no' me. You are going to come back here right this instant, finish your meal and spend the rest of the day with everyone like the happy family we are! And Actor is going to apologize for being a complete dick. Got it?"

He left no room for arguing but Dark was a sassy shit, "What are you gonna do if I refuse?"

"Then I'm going to drive all the way there myself, hog-tie you and drag you into my van and bring you here like a hostage to spend the rest of Thanksgiving with us."

Dark's eyes widened a bit. He couldn't tell if he was serious or not, "Mark. . . .they're afraid of me. What I did. I-"

"You confuse fear with shock, Dark. Of course we were surprised. You expect us not to be after being thrown into pitch black? Just come back, you goof"

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