Anti- Changing

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Trigger warning- self harm and gore imagery (--------------- = marks end)

Anti laid in the bathtub with his clothes on, the water surrounding him making them soaked. He just had another nightmare but was too afraid to go to Marvin or Schneep for anything. They wouldn't believe him now anyways.

He saw him again. He didn't know what to call him. He didn't want to give him a name. They say if you name it, you invite it closer. 

Anti shuddered every once in a while, getting chills. He didn't bother wiping his tears, swallowing the salty liquid from his crying earlier. In one hand he held his favorite knife. The Chef's knife that Jameson gave him.

It had a little blood on it. There was blood in the water.

There never was any water, actually.

Anti glanced over to the mirror above the sink and could just barely see it. It was watching him, smiling.

"You know it's futile to resist, little lamb" it giggled, "It doesn't matter, you know you can't die."

Anti glanced over at his other hand and saw all the horrific cuts he had made with the knife, filling the tub. His whole arm was mutilated.

"You're mine, Anti. My puppet. Stop resisting me. Remember what I told you~" he sang and Anti glanced back over to the mirror to see Chase's body, hat and all.

'Chase' grinned, fangs showing and he held a gun to his head, "You breath a word to anyone. And your precious daddy figure gets his brains blown out. And guess who will be the one I'll make do it?"

Suddenly he pulled the trigger and the loud bang ran in the room, blood splattered on the mirror, the figure in the glass now gone. Anti looked in horror, his vision starting to fade. It whispered to him, "My little puppet"


Suddenly Anti jolted awake but stayed laying in the bed staring up at the ceiling.

He glanced over at his wrist that had been cut in the dream but he found nothing. Not a single scar. Anti sighed in relief, 'These nightmares, like continuous mazes. Is THIS a nightmare, too?!'

He closed his eyes trying to control his glitching before he fell through the bed, 'No. But maybe I should ask Marvin for a potion. These are getting too much'.

After careful consideration and sleep paralysis dissipated, Anti finally made his way to his feet. He looked over at his alarm clock.

'Only 3am' he thought, 'He won't be too happy'

It had been about a week after the first nightmare with the demon. He still didn't know how he had missed his pills that night. He was extra careful to make sure he took them now but it made no difference. It was still there watching. Observing and taunting him.

Every night Anti would have a new nightmare but the more he went through, the more he was getting used to it, sadly. The more he was getting used to its presence.

And that terrified him.

He got to Marvin's door and was about to knock but something stopped him, 'Maybe I should check on Chase'

Changing motives, he went to Chase's room and slowly opened the door. There in the dark, he could barely make out his body. At first, Anti couldn't tell if he was breathing or not, scaring him. But then he saw the rise and fall and he breathed a small sigh of relief. He was about to close the door when he thought he saw something in the corner of the room. 

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