Anti - Glitch Bitch

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Septic grinned at them all, a chaotic glimmer in his eyes, "What's the matter? Scared you'll hurt your precious Anti!?" he laughed.

Schneep growled, "I am ze good doctor! I can heal any injury if his body gets damaged!"

"Can ya heal death, though, doc?" 

Chase clenched his fists, "Anti. . . . Dude, if you can hear me in there. . . we're gonna help ya, man. Not gonna let my little bro get hurt anymore by this monster."

On the inside, Anti leaned on the 'window', not sure of what to do anymore, "Chase. . . .  guys please just. Just run. I can't yet. Please"

Septic grinned like a Cheshire cat, "They can't get away from me now, Anti. They're too concerned for you. You should feel so happy, little glitch. They actually DO care about you."

"Of course ve do!" Henrik shouted at him, "And I'll be damned if I let my friend be consumed by you once again, you fiend!"

"That's right!" Marvin pulled down his mask and his eyes glowed, "What are you going to do, Septic? You going to fight all of us? We'll fight back. We know Anti's stronger than you give him credit for."

"Perhaps. But how much can his body take? How much pain are you willing to give him? I am eternal! A demon ego made WITH him! I can take the damage but it won't hurt me! You'll only be hurting him" he laughed.

Chase whispered over to Marvin, "What's the plan, Marv? Got any spells to get us out of this mess?"

Marvin kept his piercing gaze towards Septic but whispered back, "My plan was to separate them but if what Septic says is true and it kills Anti then we're sort of at an impasse."

"Well you're no help then. Schneep, what about you? Jameson?"

Jameson merely shrugged but Henrik hummed, "Perhaps if I can get back down to my office. I have something that might give us some time"

"Why didn't you grab it before we came in here?" Marvin whisper yelled at him.

Henrik blushed a little in his embarrassment, "I did not think of it at ze time! Does not matter! We need to get it. It is concentrated serum of ze pill medication I have been giving to Anti. It could take him down immediately if we are lucky"

"Whatcha guys whispering about over here?"

The ego group hushed as Septic had glitched over closer with a sly grin, "You really think you can get anything past me!? I am in control here, you pests and you'll- Ơ̸̼̜̭̙͉̫̞̱̊͌̀́͒͒̇̓̓͐̈́̽͑Ẇ̶̡̢̖̺̲̹͖͇̠̰̖̺͉̚ͅ!̶̨͈̯̯͕͓͕̞̝͎͍̪̯̞͕͇͐ What the?!" a small orange foam bullet hit him on the forehead.

Chase gulped but ran fast to throw him off, stuffing his small Nerf gun back in his pocket, "Let's go, dude!" he grabbed Schneep with him, "Marvin, you hold him off! Jameson, come with us!"

Marvin shot a blast at Septic to keep him from going after the three, "Uh-uh. You're stuck in here with me"

Septic grinned, "Not for long" he twirled his knife in his hand and stuck his tongue out playfully, "You underestimate your brother's abilities, friend"

The magician shot a spell at him, making him fly up into the air, "Actually I think you're the one you underestimates him"

Septic laughed maniacally before charging at Marvin but the magician didn't expect him to glitch out of existence. He could barely hear his faint voice in the air, "I don't have time for your little side show"

Marvin cursed as he was now the only one in the room, "Bastard! He tricked me!" He ran after him.

Chase, Henrik and Jameson were almost to his office, running quickly when Septic appeared in front of them, "Shit!"

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