Dark - Not What It Seemed to Be

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When Wilford woke up the next morning, he stretched lazily before finally making himself get up a few minutes later. With a grunt, he forced himself up and got dressed and ready for the day with a grin on his face. Something, however, tugged at him. Normally, he wouldn't feel this way but he was anxious and he didn't know why. The whole thing with Actor on Thanksgiving had been odd and frustrating but that was over now, right? He had been warned and Dark had given him a stern talking to. Or rather, a heated threat.

Wil was proud of Dark for coming back to the party. He knew he had been upset. He may be a nut but he wasn't stupid. Mentioning Celine was crossing the line and honestly if Dark hadn't lost it, Wil probably would have. Celine had left Actor for him, after all and even though there had been animosity between Wil and Celine as well, he still cared for her. She was Damien's sister after all. They had always been so close.

When he left his room, he was heading downstairs to get ready to go out to his office. As he neared the kitchen to make himself a hot chocolate, Actor was there. And he was smiling and humming happily.

'Something's off' he thought, 'Actor's never this happy unless for his own reasons.'

"What's got ya so thrilled, Actor?" he spoke, making Actor look up from his breakfast.

Actor grinned, "Wil. Good morning to you, too. Oh and nothing, really. Just tied up some loose ends last night. It's good to get things out of the way that have been a problem, you know."

Wil nodded, "Yes, yes. Hm" he adjusted his suspenders, "Has Dark come down yet? Usually he's up by now"

Actor's face cringed just a little but he caught it, "Why no. No I haven't. Must still be in bed."

"It's nine in the morning" Wil stated, "Dark is always up by seven every day. I should go check on him"

Actor shrugged, "Alright."

Now Wil was a bit worried and he was never worried. Actor seemed so calm and happy, it was unsettling. Almost rushing back upstairs, he knocked on Dark's door but there was no answer, "Dark? Dark, old pal, you up?"


Wil grew more anxious, "Dark, now don't you be playing any tricks on me!" he laughed a little, "This better not be a joke. Answer the door, please!"

Absolute silence. Not even breathing. Instincts taking over, Wilford teleported inside the room. Not many knew he could do it. Hell, he wasn't aware of it sometimes himself but that's how he was able to appear just about anywhere at anytime. It was mostly why he was so successful at his job.

Just as assumed, Dark wasn't in the room, 'But where could he have gone?' Wil thought, 'He's always in his room either working or something or other!'

Something nagged at Wil and he tried to calm himself but it was getting hard to. Something told him he should be worried.

Then he saw all the notes on Dark's bed, scattered, 'Dark never leaves a mess. What is all of this?'


Meanwhile with Dark, he was trapped in a vast darkness wandering from mirror to mirror. The more he investigated, the more he realized the mirrors were in the exact layout that the mirrors in the house were. He suspected it when he found his bathroom mirror after Actor had trapped him but now he was for sure. The whole night, Dark had tried watching Actor to keep tabs on him but it seemed like Actor was paranoid. And for good reason. 

Actor had removed all the mirrors he could that were not in the other ego's individual rooms. This way, Dark couldn't see exactly where he was going or what he was doing.

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