Anti & Dark - Christmas Plans

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"What do you mean DARK called!?"

Anti was currently getting his bandages taken off by Schneep after Marvin had given them all healing potions. They thought it best to rest, first, after all, being so tired after their battle.

Marvin shrugged and repeated, "Dark called. He used Mark's phone to warn us about Septic. What I'm curious about, however, is how did he even know about that thing in the first place?"

Anti knew though, "It really was him"

"What are you talking about?" Jackie raised his brow at him, "When did you see Dark?"

"In the mirror world. Or void. Whatever it was. When I was trying to get Marvin's attention after Septic beat up Jackie. A little hand-mirror had slipped out of Marvin's book shelf so I looked through it. I saw Dark in it but I wasn't for sure at the time if I really HAD seen him or not. If it was just my imagination playing tricks on me. Then I woke back up in the room Septic kept me in."

"What was so special about that hand-mirror that you could see him an ocean away?" Chase asked and they all looked over at Marvin.

Marvin coughed, "Well you see. . . . the hand-mirror Anti spoke of is sort of . . .enchanted. I made it so I could keep in contact with the Ipliers in Raspy Hill"

Sean scoffed, "Mainly Host?"

". . . .Yes. But we're friends! He's like me in a way! Why does it matter?"

"He had been watching then" Anti came to the conclusion, "Dark. . . he tried to help"

Sean saw the hope in Anti's eyes and smiled, "I'll call Mark later and see if we can't figure this whole thing out together. Marvin, you said they had just dealt with an enemy of their own?"

The magician nodded, "Host told me afterwards that Dark had defeated Actor. He had trapped Dark in the void and had planned to kill all the egos, Mark and his friends. Even their dogs"

"Not Chica!" Anti shrieked, "Are they all okay?!"

"Stop squirming, Anti!" Schneep chastised him.

Marvin chuckled, "Yeah, they're all alright. Shaken up but it could have been worse. Dark killed Actor before he could do any real damage."

They all sighed in relief and Anti hummed, "So that's why I saw Dark in there. He was trapped in the void at the same time I saw him in the mirror."


"But wait" Jackie jut in, "Dark killed another ego? But how is that even possible? I thought only the creator could do that?"

Sean shrugged, "I guess Dark's a special case. Mark did tell me once that Dark was created from the void out of Damien's body. Perhaps he's just an exception. Good thing, too. Sounds like they would have been in deep trouble otherwise"

They were silent for a while before Jameson showed a card, "I miss the Ipliers. We should have a Christmas with them this year!"

"That's not a bad idea at all, Jameson." Sean hummed, "We'll talk to Mark about that as well."

Anti was nervous about that but stayed quiet.

"So is it really over?" Jackie asked, "Anti . . Is Septic really gone for good?"

Henrik finished unwrapped his scarred neck from the bloody gauze and Anti bit his lip feeling his scar out of habit, "I. . . I think so. I couldn't feel his presence once I  . . .you know. Everything just feels. . . so much better. Like a weight being thrown off of me"

Anti and Dark: MisjudgedWhere stories live. Discover now