Trust me

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A few weeks later . . . . .  .

Dark was laying on the couch in the living room. With the Septic egos and Sean gone, the house of Raspy Hill had gotten quiet so it was a bit more peaceful and nice to lounge about wherever he wanted. Although he had been doing this quite a lot recently. Many of his brothers would probably say he was depressed since Anti left. He knew it was all fun teasing though, joking about them.

He was sort of sad, though about something. He tried returning to the void the night after the fight but unfortunately, his cane wasn't there anymore. Dark didn't understand why but then again, he didn't really understand too much about the void. Perhaps since it was an 'outside' object, the void dispelled it? He didn't know but the pieces were gone and that was that.

Mark and Wil had tried taking him out to get a new one but none of them were good enough. The cane Celine had gotten for Damien had been special. The cane was like a special link that connected Dark to Celine and with it now gone, he just felt so empty inside.

The other egos had tried cheering him up various ways taking him to the beach, having Chica, Henry and Spencer over, buying him more of his cookies and sweets that Septic had stolen. Mark had even bought him a new all black suit which he adored but it still didn't lift his spirit ALL the way. The suit would have looked so good with his cane.

He just missed something to fool around with, too. He didn't just carry it around for aesthetic purposes. He loved to just twirl it in his fingers, tap it and it was great for intimidating others.

Dark sighed deeply. The other egos were at Mark's having a pool party but Dark used the excuse that he was feeling a bit ill and a bit weak still from the fight. Of course no one bought that but let it be, giving him some time.

He picked himself up off the couch stretching and was about to just go to his room to mess around when he heard a slight tapping noise.

Dark looked around for the source but couldn't find it after it stopped.

"Dark" a faint whisper could be heard but it wasn't out loud. It was like it was just in his head.

'Damn' Dark thought to himself, 'Am I actually going crazy this time?'

He heard the whisper again, "Over hear."

Cautiously, he followed the voice to the foyer mirror, 'The void. . . . No way. A-actor?'

He swallowed thickly, 'If it really is him trying to lure me again should I call Anti or the others?'

Dark shook his head, 'No what are you saying? If it really is him, I have nothing to worry about! Even if he did survive again, he no longer has the red aura. He's weak.'

He just stood still looking at his reflection in the mirror, thinking and trying to make up his mind, 'I should be fine.'

He finally made a decision and went through the mirror into the void. When he opened his eyes, however, he wasn't greeted by the normal pitch black void he was used to.

It was the cabin.

"Hello?" he called out, "Anyone here? Actor, I swear if it's you again, I'm gonna-" he stopped when he saw a note on the bed. Slowly, he picked it up and read it to himself.


I'm sorry I can't greet you like the last time you were in this cabin but this will have to do. I saw everything that happened through my mind's eye. The whole fight with Actor with him capturing you and trying to kill you. You did good, Dark and I'm so proud of you, little brother. Thank you for not giving up. If Actor had won he could have used my soul to its end. Even though I'm already dead, you saved my soul. Our red aura. I'm sorry I'm not there with you right now to tell you this in person but since Actor had taken so much from me, I can't appear as an entity of any sort so this will have to do. I wanted so bad to hug you. To not let you go. I miss you so much. And I know you miss me too. Hopefully my present to you will be enough. Hold onto me through this. I love you so much, little brother.

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