Anti - This Can't Be Just Another Dream

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Septic, having taken full control of Anti's body now, didn't sleep the whole night. He merely looked through Anti's things and listened to Anti's begging and threats. Septic was having the time of his life telling Anti all the things he wanted to do to his family mainly with the knife Jameson gave him as his weapon. 

It had been two years since the last time he was freed from Anti's mind and he wasn't going to squander his chance at making all of them suffer. Why? No reason, really, except to cause misery and anguish. 

Septic had been a part of Anti since the beginning, you see. Ever since Anti was created, so was Septic. He had always been there. Like he was a part of the ego. Hell, he was almost an ego himself but no one knew that. Only Anti knew he truly existed. Schneep and the rest of his brothers just thought he was bipolar and really so had Anti. But now Anti was afraid he'd never be able to even warn the others.

But he had to think of some way. There had to be a way.

He wasn't about to let this psychotic demon get away with hurting his family again.

"Will you pipe down in there? I'm trying to think about which order to kill your brothers in."

"Fuck off!" Anti yelled through his head, "I'm not going to calm down! You're not going to hurt them! They've done nothing to you!"

"I don't care."

"You're a fucking monster!"

"Thank you"

Anti groaned in frustration. There was no talking to it. No reasoning.

Anti leaned on the wall of the 'room' he was in and sighed. It reminded him of what the inside of an interrogation room looked like. The space was dimly lit, nearly pitch black if it wasn't for Anti's green glitching glow, and there was a chair to sit in and a window that let him see what Septic could see. He really wished he didn't have the window at all, actually. It just made it more painful for him but then again, that's what the monster wanted.

"Hm" Septic hummed, "It's nearly nine in the morning now. Probably could go greet the green slugs. Would you like that, puppet? Would you like to see your brothers alive and happy for just a little while longer before I kill them dead?" he spoke so sweetly and Anti practically snarled at the suggestion.

Septic didn't wait for his answer and got up, sticking the knife in its sheath and into his pocket for safekeeping.

As he walked out and downstairs, he giggled slightly but refrained himself as he neared the kitchen.

Schneep was there with a mug of coffee looking tired but less so than yesterday. Anti felt a twinge in his heart from when the doctor had snapped at him yesterday. Schneep saw him and sighed.

"Anti. My friend, I'm sorry for what transpired last night."

Septic cocked his head a bit but said nothing as the doctor continued.

"I was so frustrated with my vork, I didn't realize ze words coming out of my mouth. Can you forgive me?"

Anti wanted to hug him so bad but Septic just stood there tauntingly, "It's alright, Doc. No harm done"

Schneep furrowed his brow a bit but nodded, "Vhy did you come to my office last night? Did you need something? Please tell me"

The demon entity hummed, "It's nothing, really. Jackie got upset with me for trying to help him with his wounds yesterday and he hurt me. Nothing TOO bad"

Schneep looked apalled, "He vhat!? He hurt you!? Where? Let me see!"

Anti had been confused before when Septic had healed his arm but not the wound on his head. But now he understood. This was part of his plan, the cunning asshole.

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