Anti and Dark - A Foolish Anxiety

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"It's gonna be okay, man, don't make such a fuss"

Jackie was trying his best to console Anti but the poor glitch was, well . . . . .glitching. They were in a public restroom by themselves at the airport, having just landed in America. However, once Anti spotted Mark and Amy, he dashed away, his nerves getting to him. Jackie had followed to make sure he was okay.

"I can't help it!" Anti shuddered, having the feeling of needing to puke he was so nervous.

"Whoa, just breathe, Anti. You were fine on the plane ride down here"

Anti swallowed, "Well yeah but then I saw Mark and that reminded me of Dark and what if he still hates me? It doesn't matter if he called to warn us about Septic! What if he thinks differently about me because I was too weak to stop him in the first place!? What if-"

Jackie took hold of his shoulders and shook him slightly, "Anti! Calm down! You're making it a bigger thing than it is" he chuckled softly, "Just breathe."

There was a knock on the bathroom door, "Hey, you guys alright in there?" they could hear Marvin's voice, "Can I come in?"

Without giving Anti a chance to say anything, Jackie answered him, "Yeah come on in, Marv"

The magician somehow unlocked the door and locked it again as he came in, "Nerves getting ya?"

Anti could just nod, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"You want a potion to help you relax?"

He shook his head, "No, it's just. . . " he couldn't finish.

"I've been trying to tell him it'll be alright but he just thinks Dark will still hate him."

"Ah" Marvin thought for a moment, "Anti, it'll be okay. Even if he DOES dislike you still and doesn't trust you, it'll be alright because you'll still have us. You're brothers. We won't let Dark or any of the other Ipliers put you down. We got your back, alright?"

This seemed to make him feel somewhat better and he smiled a little, "Thanks guys"

Jackie pat his back and Marvin suddenly seemed to have remembered something, "Also! By the way, I got what you wanted. I'll be able to charm it when we get to the Ipliers, alright? Remember? Dark's present? I'm sure he'll love it"

Anti scratched the back of his head, "You sure? It's not too weird?"

"Nah, of course not. Do you think me odd for having one?"


"Then it's fine"

The simple logic eased Anti and his glitching ceased, "Okay. I think I'm ready to go now"

Leaving the bathroom, Jackie and Marvin were right behind him as he went back to the others. Mark and Amy noticed his return and smiled gently. Mark was nervous about seeing Anti at first but with a little talk with the others, he was even more sure everything would be fine.

Mark and Sean had talked over the phone about Anti's ordeal but now that Septic had been dealt with completely they were absolutely positive that there was nothing to worry about. Mark knew that Dark would be happy to see him, albeit nervous. Dark told Mark what he had gotten him for Christmas and he was sure Anti would love it.

"Hey Anti!" Mark smiled gently at him, "You doing okay? You looked a little pale before."

"I'm fine." Anti bit his lip anxiously, "Sorry about running off like that"

"It's okay" Amy smiled, too.

"We all ready to go? Everybody got their things?" Sean spoke to his egos and they all nodded. 

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