The Plan: Act 2

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(Forgot to add Trigger warnings. Sorry about that. I got them up now when it comes to it)

That next morning, Chase walked down to get his cup of coffee only to see someone sleeping in on the couch in the living room. Tip-toeing over, he nearly gushed at the adorable scene. Anti and Jackie were cuddled up together on the large couch with Anti almost laying on top of his brother as Jackie just held him.

Then he noticed the tear-streaks on Anti's face and started to questions just why they weren't in their assigned rooms.

Chase started to frown, 'I fucking swear, if Dark OR Jackie hurt him or did anything, I will kill them.'

Jackie groaned a little and opened his eyes, "Chase?" he whispered and sighed, "Don't tell anyone about this"

Chase just smirked, "Maybe. If you tell me why. And why does it look like Anti has been crying?"

"He's been crying?" Jackie carefully looked down at Anti resting his head on his chest and saw the red marks, "I didn't know. Must have been having a bad dream again. Had one earlier last night too."

"Why is he out here anyways? Why is he not in Dark's room?" not that Chase minded.

"He said he wanted Dark to get some sleep. Has insomnia and hasn't been sleeping good. Thought sleeping alone would help him out. Anti didn't want to be alone though, so he asked me to stay with him."

"Ah" Chase nodded, "Alright then. Good job, Jackie. Proud of you. You want some breakfast? Thinking about cooking up some pancakes that Eric told me about."

"Yeah, sounds good. I'll try and edge out of this couch without waking him"

"Good luck" Chase knew Anti was clingy as hell when asleep.

After a few minutes of spy-level cautious moving, Jackie finally was able to get out of Anti's grasp and tip-toe into the kitchen with Chase.

By that time, Henrik and Dr. Iplier had joined in the kitchen as well for their morning coffee. Henrik greeted Jackie, "Morning. How vas the couch?"

"Chase told ya?" Jackie hummed, "It was fine. Anti's a little clingy furnace. Couldn't move most of the night with him hugging me like a teddy bear but it wasn't so bad"

"He's forgiven you, then?"

Jackie paled a little and shrugged, "I guess. He shouldn't but. . ."

Chase sighed as he flipped the pancakes, "Whatever man. It's in the past now. He seems to trust you now. . . " he turned and held a death threat in his eyes, "But if you EVER fucking touch him in a harmful manner or even speak to him in any way that hurts him. . . .I will fucking beat you near death, you understand me, Jackie?"

Jackie merely nodded, "Yes sir."

About a half hour later, they were enjoying their breakfast and some of the other egos started filing in. Anti even finally woke up and made his way into the kitchen.

'I should go check on Dark' he tried to go up to his room but Chase stopped him, grabbing him by his elbow, "Uh-uh, where the hell you think you're going?"

Anti blinked, "I want to go check on Dark. He seemed pretty upset last night"

"Let him rest a bit more, Anti. Eat breakfast first, at least and THEN you can go peek at him, you creeper."

"I'm not a creeper!" he shoved Chase indignantly but rolled his eyes playfully, "Fine. I'll grab a poptart."

"No need" Chase slid him over a plate of pancakes, "Eat up, brat"

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