Dark - I'm Always At Your Side

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"I don't . . . I don't understand" 

Celine pat his shoulder gently, "It's okay. You don't have to. I know this is a lot to take in, little brother"

Dark shook his head and stepped away from her, "What? Are you crazy? I- I'm not Damien. You know this! I-"

"I know" She sighed, "You go by Dark, right? It doesn't matter. You still have a piece of Damien inside you. Without him as your core, you wouldn't exist."

"Wh-what? What are you saying? I don't understand"

Celine chuckled, "Just as clueless as he was, too."

Dark grumbled, "Look, I'm sorry. But I have more pressing matters to attend to right now. If I don't find a way to get out of here soon then. . ."

"I know. I've been watching, Dark. Although still tired, I could feel your stress. I brought you here to talk. To help you. We don't have long but . . . it'll be enough"

"Enough for what?"

"Come over here" she went over to the cabin's bed and pat a space beside her, "Sit with me? Please?"

Reluctantly, Dark walked over and sat next to her on the mattress and all of the questions he had started rambling out, "Is this where you've been sleeping all this time? Are you going to be awake from now on? Are you able to get free as well?"

"Whoa whoa" Celine chuckled, "One question at a time, brat. But to answer. . . yes. I've been here in the void but this isn't what you think exactly. I can't stay awake for long. Still tired and I won't have enough strength to leave with you, I'm afraid."

". . . . That only raised more questions. So I take it you know what's going on?"

"Of course" Celine nodded, "My garbage of an ex-husband sent you here. He's been plotting this for a while, I guess, while I've been asleep. He's been collecting from the void, getting stronger. I should have gave him more than an ax to the chest" she grumbled the last part.

"What's his plan? Surely he can't-"

"He can and he will" she hiked her legs up on the mattress and sat cross-legged, "His plan is to kill Mark. Probably most of the other egos, too."

Dark suddenly stood, "Then what am I doing here chatting with you!? I have to find a way home NOW! I-"

"Calm down!" Celine chastised him, "Sit back down this instant and calm yourself! You still have time." she had a stern look on her face and Dark shuddered before sitting down again.

'Man, she's scary' he thought, 'No wonder Actor feared her'

"Anyways" she went on, "Back to what I was saying before. Well actually, first I guess I should ask you what YOU think the void is?"

Dark was stumped at her random question but answered, "I don't know, really. I thought it was a sort of mirror world. Another dimension locked inside Mark's mind, maybe? But then I saw Anti through a different mirror. Anti used to be a friend of mine. Anyways. . . . I really don't know. Maybe just a mirror world existing in itself?"

Celine hummed, looking into the fire that was warming the small cabin, "You're partly right. Now what do you think about the abilities you have?"

"My abilities? What do they have to do with any-" he cut himself off, seeing her irritated scowl, "Uh . . . I guess I never really thought about it much in detail. I can teleport if needed in the real world. There's this. . . blackness that radiates from me sometimes when I'm feeling any strong emotion. This red and blue aura will also peel from me. The aura makes others around me frightened. Or at least it used to. I think the others have just gotten used to it by now."

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