The Prank Attack

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Actor growled as the doctors checked him over and tested him repeatedly. 

'This is getting tedious already'

Finally Dr. Iplier smiled, "Alright, I think that'll do it. But remember, if you do start to feel sick again or have any more hallucinations, just let us know and we can prescribe something to you to help, alright?"

Actor nodded, "Got it. Am I free to go now, Docs?"

Schneep nodded, "Yes, yes, you're fine. You may leave"

'Finally' Actor stood back up and walked out. 

He was on his way again to the kitchen. When he arrived there, Anti wasn't there but Eric and Wilford was and Eric was looking worried. Once he saw him, he smiled.

"Dark! Thank goodness! I've been trying to look for Yandere but I can't find them anywhere!"

Actor felt out of place and looked around but no one else was around to help, "Um. . . .oh. Well I wouldn't worry. She's probably just trying to stalk her senpai. The usual"

Wilford stared at him strangely but didn't comment.

Eric teared up, "No! That's part of the problem! Yan was angry at Jackie the other day. I don't think they consider him their senpai anymore! We have to find them!"

Actor groaned on the inside but nodded, "Very well. All will be alright uh . . "

"Guys!"King burst in, "We have a problem! It's Yandere! Follow me!" he ran off and Wil and Eric followed immediately. Actor internally screamed but followed behind nonetheless.

The came to the backyard and the sight was rather confusing to be honest.

"I've been trying to convince them to come inside but they won't listen!" King was distraught.

"Oh no!" Eric looked panicked.

"Well that's not what you want to see" Wilford chipped in his two cents.

There in the backyard, Yandere was laying in the grass with peanut butter slathered on their cheeks, arms and legs. They laid in a sort of T-pose with a blank expression on their face.

"Yan, what in the devil are ya doing?!" Wilford shouted at them.

Yandere just tilted their head a little to face them, "I'm waiting for the squirrels to devour me. Shouldn't be long until they have made up their mind."

"But Yan!" Eric whined, "Squirrels don't eat meat! Their herbivores. . . .aren't they?"

King spoke up, "Actually they're omnivores. They DO eat meat as well. Mostly small snakes, eggs or insects."

"Oh no!" Eric paled, thinking the worst, "Yandere please come back inside!"


Actor sighed, 'What a waste of fucking time. This is ridiculous.' But he figured it'd be best to play along as Dark.

"Does this have to do with Jackieboyman?"

Yan teared up, "He was my senpai! My love, my soulmate!" they started crying, scaring the squirrels even more in the tree.

"What happened?"

Eric filled it in, "Oh well . . . I can shed some light on that. Yan was boasting about how strong Jackie was the other day but Anti had said he wasn't that strong against Septic. Yan got angry at him but Jackie agreed with Anti. Yan just ran off then."

"He was MY senpai and he agreed with ANTI! He doesn't love me! He thinks I'm annoying and weird!" Yan screamed as they still laid in the grass covered in peanut butter in their schoolgirl outfit.

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