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"Fucking traitor bastard!" Actor yelled at Septic.

"I̵'̷m̸ ̴t̴h̸e̵ traitor in this? You were planning on killing me when we were done! I heard you" Septic retaliated, "Plus I may be impulsive and headstrong but I'm not stupid."

Actor seethed at him, "Fine. . .  you want to join sides with your little counterpart and break the deal? Very well. Then I'll just take my end off as well!"

Actor moved his hand out and suddenly Septic buckled to his hands and knees with a grunt. A strange feeling hung in the air and Septic gasped as his physical form was taken form him. He was just a 'ghost' once more.

 "How's it feel to no longer have a body? You're nothing but a weak shadow now of your physical self" Actor taunted.

Anti tried helping Septic up but he merely pushed his hand away and got up on his own, "Don't need your help. And I don't need a body to kick your ass!"

He glitched to Actor and landed a punch, making the man stumble. Septic then gripped the knife that was still in his shoulder and twisted it, making him yell out in pain.

"Who's weak now, b̶i̵t̴c̷h̴!̵?̷"

Actor lashed out at him with the red aura, making Septic fall back. Anti rushed to his side, though and stopped him from attacking suddenly again.

"Wait" Anti whispered to him, "Don't we need a plan here? He's still so strong and we've been fighting. He's got the advantage."

Septic hissed and made up his mind, "Not for long" he gripped Anti's throat and for a moment, he thought he had turned on him again and it was all a big lie.

But Septic then placed his other hand on his chest and a small green glow eased into him.

Anti suddenly felt more power and energy in him than before!

Septic let go of him, "Can't have you weak if you're gonna fight with me. Don't want to keep having to save your ass. I gave you your energy back that I took from you just the other day."

"Thanks Septic!"

He growled, "S̵t̴o̵p̷ ̴t̸h̷a̸n̵k̴i̴n̴g̴ ̴m̴e̸!!̶ ̴My goal is still to eventually kill you, you moron!"

Anti just chuckled, not being able to take him seriously at the moment, "Come on! We have to stall him a bit longer!"

Septic rolled his eyes but agreed.

Actor hated this. He hated seeing them work together. It was stupid. So ridiculous! After all they've been through how can Anti just forgive him for all of it!? It was insane!

He breathed deep and calmed a bit before ripping out the knife. He knew it would be a hindrance if he just left it in.

"Gruh!" blood oozed from the wound but he didn't care at the moment. He was going to end this and destroy ALL of them. He didn't need Septic! He only ever did to steal Dark's red aura for him.

Septic smirked at Actor, "What's wrong? All upset that your pretty suit's all bloody?" he stuck his tongue out at him childishly.

Anti rolled his eyes this time. Perhaps they weren't so different, "What's the plan?"

"Do I look like I plan anything? Just fucking attack him. If you don't know what you're doing next, neither does he" with that, Septic sprinted, glitching so Actor couldn't see where he was coming from to strike.

Anti glitched after him but they moved almost in sync so it looked like Actor was seeing double. However, the Actor slammed the cane down, lashing the red aura around him like a barrier, bouncing Septic and Anti back.

Anti and Dark: MisjudgedWhere stories live. Discover now