Dark- On Thin Ice

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I forgot that I meant to add in my fanimation that I made a while ago. It's from my YouTube channel so for more stuff like my Antisepticeye fanimation, you guys can go to it if you'd like :)

Note: In this story, Actor Mark will only be called Actor to diffuse confusion. 

The next morning, Dark was tired but he watched Actor nonetheless. Deep in thought, Dark reminded himself of all the horrible things he had done. He had hurt so many people. Wilford, Damien, Celine, Abe, the DA, Mark and even Dark himself. In a way, Actor had created Dark, forcing Damien to disintegrate and become the villain the Actor wanted. 

So selfish and narcissistic, he was. And yet he didn't plan for this. He didn't plan for everyone to have Dark's back and trust him so much. His expectations had backfired leaving everyone to think HIM the villain, instead, and Dark as the hero. 

Dark smirked at the thought, 'To think you thought yourself so high and mighty. You're nothing but a washed up loser begging for a bone now.'

But he knew something was STILL so off. Actor had to have been planning something and he had a feeling that Mark felt the same way. But why come to Raspy Hill to face Dark head-on? If he made him the villain then surely he'd want to attack in some way from a distance? Why charge INTO the heart? Where Dark LIVED? It had to be a distraction.

His thoughts were interrupted by Actor's subtle movements stretching slightly waking up, wincing a bit from his wounds. That was another thing that bothered Dark. If the sharks got to him and did this much damage with the intent to kill then how did he get away? He can only die by Mark's hand but surely he couldn't have just gotten away? He would have at least gotten kidnapped and held captive. There was A LOT more to the story than Actor was willing to tell.

Actor blinked open his eyes tiredly and snorted softly, "Of course you're watching me sleep. Creep"

Dark rumbled a deep growl, "Tread lightly. You know there's a reason for that. I don't trust you."

He rolled his eyes and huffed, "Whatever. I'm really not here to hurt anyone, Darkimoo. I just need-"

"Sanctuary. I know. And don't call me that." Dark's eyes narrowed.

Actor hummed, "What's for breakfast? I'm famished."

Dark snarled at his audacity, "You can move, can't you? The Doctor said nothing about your legs being broken. Make your own damn breakfast"

Actor was about to say something when Wilford waltzed in, "Dark, old chap! Hah, so the fiend is still breathing, eh? Your will is stronger than mine!"

Dark stood and stretched a little, "Wil would you watch him and make sure he doesn't do anything suspicious? I'm going to go take a shower. Remember, no trying to kill him."

"Maiming is still available, though, right?"

"Of course" he left the room, leaving Actor stammering.

Dark was walking to one of the bathrooms nearest his room. He found himself a bit lost in a numb thought process. He wasn't really thinking but he was deep in his own mind. Really he didn't know what to think anymore right now. His biggest enemy that he was literally created to rival was temporarily living in the same house as him. Although there was more to Dark than that, he found himself fucking itching to strangle the man. He tossed the thought aside as a baser instinct. He had to think of the others.

Speaking of the others, Yandere suddenly bumped into him from around a corner, "Oh! Sorry Dark"

Dark stopped, surprised for a moment, "Y-yandere? What's wrong? You okay?"

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