Just Calm Down

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When Anti woke up, he flipped on his side to get somewhat more comfortable. Hopefully he could just go right back to sleep, he was so tired from the jet-lag. Blearily, however, he cracked open his eyes and he was almost startled to see Dark a few feet away in his own bed. Then he remembered where he was and he smiled a little. Turning on his stomach, Anti wanted to laugh at Dark. There he was, on his back snoring lightly sprawled across the bed. If he had a partner, they would have been tossed off in the middle of the night.

Stretching a bit, Anti yawned. He didn't want to get up but he could hear a few of the egos downstairs. It was their Friendmas day and even Tyler, Ethan and Kathryn were going to come and spend the day with them. They didn't need to get gifts for one another but a few of the egos did get the other a little something having not seen each other in a while.

'I hope Dark likes the gift I got him. Hope he doesn't think it's clingy or something.' Anti was lost in his thoughts thinking about how the day might go until he was interrupted by a pillow being thrown at him.

"Guh!" Anti huffed and looked over to see Dark still laying there with his eyes closed but now his mouth was closed, too, and he had a smile on his face.

"You ass!" Anti playfully threw the pillow back at him. Obviously, Dark was expecting it because he caught it and laughed.

"Morning!" Dark shot up with a smirk on his face and tossed the pillow at him again, "Stop thinking so much. The day will go by fine, I'm sure"

"How did you-"

"I may not have seen you in a few years but I DO remember the face you make when you're thinking too hard. Relax. It'll be fine." Dark ruffled his hair, "I'm gonna go get dressed. You should do."

Anti shoved his hand off his head, "You should take a shower while you're at it!" he teased, "You stink!"

"Fuck off" Dark chuckled and went to the bathroom anyways.

Anti giggled and got dressed himself, wearing a nice Black and gray sweater that JJ had gotten for him. He had a real assortment of winter clothes now. Before, the only winter clothing he had was the turtleneck Dark had gotten for him but once Sean found that out a few weeks ago, he forced him out shopping to get a new winter wardrobe. 

Smiling, Anti decided not to wait for Dark and left downstairs to see who else was already awake. When he reached the living room, he noticed Jackie was there sitting with Eric. Yandere was also on the other side of the room, trying to act like they weren't staring at Jackie.

Jackie knew Yandere was staring but chose not to acknowledge them. Jackie noticed Anti walk in and almost looked relieved, "Hey Anti! Happy Friendmas!"

The glitch shook his head, "That's such a silly name. You guys are up early."

"I couldn't sleep" Eric smiled. He held a stuffed animal to his chest and Anti assumed it was for his anxiety, "Had a nightmare Actor came back. It was scary."

Jackie pat his back comfortingly, "Hey don't worry. It'll be alright. He's gone now, remember? Besides, you guys have Dark to protect you."

Eric nodded, "Yeah. I guess you're right." he smiled slightly, "Actor never stood a chance against him"

"Damn straight!" Yandere shouted from the other side of the room before running over bounding over the furniture. Jackie stiffened as they came near, "Nobody could beat Dark! He's the most powerful ego in the world! Well. . ." they stared at Jackie again with lovestruck eyes and fixed their schoolgirl skirt, "Besides probably you, of course, Jackie"

Jackie blushed but Anti snorted, "You overestimate Jackie. He's strong physically but in a battle that requires 'other-worldly' abilities, he'd choke"

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