Anti - The Demon's Reveal

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Anti sat in a corner of his mind's 'room' where Septic had locked him. His stab wound was still hurting but it wasn't life-threatening since it was all in his head. His physical body, if he ever managed to get it back, would remain unharmed. He was saving his strength, concentrating hard on healing as fast as he could and it was working. The wound was almost closed and had stopped bleeding. Perhaps his time in that void had something to do with it?But that was the last thing on Anti's mind right now.

'Did I really see Dark in that mirror?' he wondered, 'Was it even real? God, I hope it all was. I hope I wasn't hallucinating all of that.'

He knew Marvin could figure it out given some time but he didn't really know how much time he had left. With Jackie over Septic's shoulder unconscious, he doubted he had long.

Coming up to Schneep's door, he knocked and waited calmly until the doctor answered. His reaction was immediate and Septic had to refrain from laughing out loud.

"HOLY! Jackie! Vhat happened to him!? Here, bring him inside. I'll get a bed ready!" Schneep had him follow him in the room.

Septic tried to act the best he could, "I don't know what happened, Doc! I heard something from Jackie's room so I went to see but he must have come back like this from a fight! Is he going to be okay!?"

Schneep fell for it, "Of course he iz! I am ze good doctah! I can heal anybody!" he inspected him and proceeded to take off Jackie's top, "Plenty of bruising and a stab wound to the shoulder. And a gash on his head. He must have had one hell of a fight"

Septic only nodded, grinning on the inside.

"Zhank you for bringing him to me, Anti. He'll be fine, albeit pretty sore when he wakes up. I'll stitch up his shoulder." he turned to him, "Are you sure you don't vant me to help you vith your head wound, Anti?" he shook his head dismissively, "Nevermind, I know vhat you'll say! Here, just take these pain meds anyways. It vill help."

Septic just nodded again, "Of course Doc. Tell Jackie I hope he feels better soon" he left, leaving the doctor to do his job.

Anti, meanwhile, was stilling seething but unable to antagonize the demon ego, still weakened from their little fight. Instead, he wanted to ask some questions. Maybe he could throw him off his game?

"I don't . . . .I don't understand you. What's the point in getting them to trust you when you're just going to kill them anyways? Can't you kill them at any point?" he knew he was taunting him, playing a dangerous game, but he wanted answers, too.

"What's the point of a quick death when I can also see the look on their faces of betrayal? Maybe I should tell them of your predicament, too, beforehand. I want to see as much pain in their eyes as possible before I take their souls."

"Why do you want their souls? What's to gain from it? Why not take some other people's?"

Septic shrugged, entering Anti's room, "The heart wants what it wants. What is all this newfound curiosity anyways? Planning something, glitch?"

"What could I possibly be planning in here, Septic? I can't do a damn thing but watch. You've already won"

Septic grinned, "You're right, I have. I mean, I still have a few other obstacles to clear but then . . ."

"What will you do afterwards?"


Anti sighed, "After you kill them all. After you take their souls. Then what?"

He was silent for a few moments, "Not sure. I'll probably think of something fun to do next, though"

"Like what?"

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