Not So Deceived

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Dark weakly sat up, clearly looking defeated. He didn't think Actor was still alive, let alone could take him down so easily.

Anti sat by his side, "What happened? How did he get to you?"

He sighed, "I was weak. He took advantage of that, the bastard."

(Flashback after Dark's nightmare)

Dark exited the room, leaving his cane behind. He had to get some air. That's all he needed. He needed to forget the nightmare. Forget everything he saw. Everything had looked SO real.


He stopped and heard a familiar banging up above him.

'The attic.' he thought, 'Not this time. You're not fucking with me again!'

Dark bolted for the attic but as soon as he stood in the small, dark room, he regretted it immediately. 

He felt a cold breeze in the air and the hair on his neck stood. He saw a mirror on the wall on the other end of the attic that wasn't there before.

Without even really thinking about it, he ventured cautiously over but his stomach flipped when he saw Actor staring back at him.

"No. . . .how? I killed you"

Actor just smirked, "You thought." his smirk faded into a snarl, "And now. . . it's my turn to dispose of you."

Dark tried to lunge to break the mirror but Actor's hand shot out and gripped his fist before it could collide, "Looks like you made the wrong move" a dark red smoke glowed around Actor and all of a sudden he felt tired.

"W-what are you doing?" he almost dropped to his knees but Actor caught him, gripping his shoulders with his hands. He leaned in out of the mirror and whispered into Dark's ear, "I don't owe you an explanation."

Suddenly Dark was on the other side as if they had switched places. He was now the one in the mirror. He tried bursting through only to be held back and thrown to the pitch ground. 

Dark looked up and saw Septic above him with a grin on his face, "Don't worry, Darky. You'll have a friend in here with ya soon."

Then he just passed out.

(End of Flashback)

"Fuck" Anti cursed, "This has all turned in to one big fucking mess"

"I'm sorry"

The glitch took his shoulder, "No. It's not your fault, Dark. None of this is your fault. We just underestimated them is all. We need to find a way out of here"

"There isn't." 

"What do you mean?"

Dark sighed, "I can sense Celine's energy around us. The red aura? Actor's using it to keep us locked in this 'cage'. I can't use my aura to get out of here because it also requires Celine's energy along with Damien's. I can't fight her energy with her own and her brother's."

"Double fuck" 


Actor fixed his tie in the mirror and spruced up his hair to make himself look more like Dark. If he was going to trick them all, he had to look convincing. Septic threw on Anti's 'Glitch' hoodie Jackie had gotten him and let Actor use Celine's power to mellow his energy so Marvin wouldn't be able to sense the difference.

"Alright mister man with a plan, what now? I thought with those two idiots out of the way, we'd kill everyone while we had the chance."

"Not so soon, friend. Be patient. It's going to take a lot of energy and power to take them all down at once. The ones we especially have to prepare for are Wilford, Google, Marvin and Jackie. They'll be a handful so we have to make sure we're ready before just charging guns blazing."

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