It's Christmas Time!

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_____________= separates Anti and Dark


"I mean, you don't have to get him anything, Dark"

Dark growled, "Yes. I do."

"No. You don't." 

Currently Dark and Mark were out Christmas shopping. Dark had asked him to go with him to try and help him pick out a gift for Anti. He had already picked out and wrapped gifts for the other Iplier egos over a week ago but he HAD to think of something to give to Anti. 

"Yes, I do, Mark! And it has to be better than a knife or another sweater like the last gift I got him years ago. It needs to be special. Something that tells him that I'm fucking sorry"

"Why don't you just tell him that? Have you even talked to him yet since?"

Dark blushed, "Uh . . .. no"

"Daaaark" Mark whined, "He's gonna think you're ignoring him again!"

"I can't just randomly call him, though, Mark. It'd feel weird! It'll be better when I see him face to face"

"Will it, though? What if he's angry at you for ignoring him again?"

"Uuuuuugh! Mark, just help me find him a fucking present!"

"I don't even know what he likes! You do!"

Dark huffed, "It's two days away from Christmas and I'm still nowhere. I have no idea what to do" he felt like pulling out his hair.

Mark pat his back and silently led him out of the store, "I think you need to take a break." when they got to the van, Dark crossed his arms in thought but nothing came to his head.

Mark snorted.

"What?" Dark snarled.

"Nothing. You just look like a little kid who didn't get to see Santa is all"

"I will hurt you, Mark. Don't think I won't."

"Yeah, yeah. Buckle up, buddy."

They decided it would be best to go back to Raspy Hill and on the way there, Mark started up a conversation again.

"So what did you end up getting the others? Perhaps an idea will bounce off from talking about that?"

Dark hummed, "Sure. Fine, whatever. I got Wilford a new gun holster, Google and Bing new virus protection software. Yandere got a new outfit. I got Eric a big stuffed animal. Host got a Calligraphy set, and King got binoculars to look at squirrels easier. Dr. Iplier got a new stethoscope. I got Bim a new microphone and the Jims both got some video games. Those two need some different hobbies"

"You're one to talk."

Ignoring him, Dark continued, "Also I got Amy a cactus, Ethan some dog clothes for Spencer, Kathryn that new camera lens she wanted and Tyler some new workout clothes."

"What'd you get me?"

"You really think that old trick will work on me? I'm not telling you" he snorted.

"I know. Those sound like good gifts for everyone. Why get Eric a stuffed animal, though?"

"Because he's always afraid he'd accidentally hurt a real animal. It'll be good for him."

"Ah" Mark smiled, "I got ya. It's sweet. I'm stumped on Anti, though. Have you tried getting a hold of the Septics like Marvin, for instance? Maybe you could talk to him through that mirror thing him and Host use?"

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