Dark- Can't Stop the Madness

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All fanart at the top of the chapters and used in this story is mine. Here's my Tumblr to see more fanart: www.tumblr.com/blog/graphic-hawk

It was a pleasant outside with the sun shining. Not a cloud in the sky, a small cool breeze and the faint sound of a lawn-mower in the distance. Dark didn't hate these kind of summer days but he didn't really like them either. He always preferred a rainy day. The other egos, however, were excited and wouldn't let the beautiful day go to waste. Wilford even asked Dark to come out to enjoy the weather with them but he wasn't sure he wanted to.

Things had been better between Dark and the other egos since that day at the beach but he still felt worried they'd just up and change their minds and start avoiding him again. It was a few months after but he still had that nagging anxiety and he couldn't shake it. 

Today, Dark was wearing a dark gray suit as he sat in his bedroom/office. He always loved suits and he didn't know why. There was just something powerful about them that gave him confidence. Maybe that was why he wore one today? With a deep sigh, Dark leaned back in his chair and stretched slightly, 'Why do you always have to cause so much trouble, Wil?'

Indeed, Wilford and his reckless behavior was a problem but that was the least of his worries. Where Wil had killed another game contestant on Bim's stupid show, 'Hire My Ass', Yandere ended up torturing some poor girl because they looked at their senpai weirdly. And Google had hacked into some country's government headquarters, planning on stealing their missile launch codes for some reason. It was all a mess and he knew he was going to have to give them all another talk. That was what worried him the most. What if he spoke TOO sternly and scared them? Of course Wil wouldn't be too terribly moved but Google would be afraid he'd be shut down and Yandere might just be terrified. But Yandere had gotten more relaxed around Dark lately and that had proven to be a bit of a problem. They needed to know that just because Dark wouldn't hurt them, didn't mean they wouldn't get punished for their actions.

'Maybe instead of yelling and causing my aura to freak out and scare them, I could punish them in a different way?' Dark hummed in thought. He had to think of what he could do to balance everything out.

'Maybe take Yandere's electronic devices away. . . .  Put Google on a restricted mode so he doesn't have the ability to hack a fucking government' he tried thinking of what he could punish Wil with but that was difficult, 'Come on, think! There has to be something that would make him think about the consequences'

Dark sat in his chair going through a list in his head of what he could take away from Wil when he suddenly smiled at a realization. Standing up and straightening his suit, he exited his room and went off to find them.

He found Google first outside lounging by the pool charging. Bing was with him talking animatedly about something but it didn't appear that Google was listening. 'Perfect' Dark thought, 'Perhaps this will embarrass him'. He walked over in his usual confident matter and blocked the sun from Google to stop him charging. Google opened his eyes to see Dark standing over him and suddenly the search engine looked worried.



"Hey Dark, how's it going, man? Google in trouble again?" Bing grinned and Dark nodded.

Google sighed, "You can't shut me down. It won't deter me from my primary objective."

"You're right" Dark smiled, "But perhaps this will." Dark then pressed Google's chest causing a holographic screen to appear and he moved around his menu for a moment before finding what he wanted. 

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