Uncle Anti

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It was December fifth and Anti finally had a plan for Chase to get his kids for Christmas.

It wasn't a morally ethical plan. It was more so along the lines of illegal. . . .Probably.

But by god, he was going to make Chase feel better and this was the only way to do it! This was the perfect Christmas gift!

Now Anti just needed help with this plan in case it didn't quite work out.

Thinking it over some more, he went and knocked on Jackie's door.

After a few moments, the hero answered, looking more cheerful than ever. Anti cocked a brow at him, "You seem happy today"

Jackie rolled his eyes with a chuckle, "What? I can't be happy? What do you want, you little shit?"

Anti bit his lip before looking around, "Can I come in?" he whispered to him.

Jackie knew something was up now and since Anti had spiked his curiosity, he moved out of the way to let him in his room.

Anti slithered in and let Jackie close the door behind him.

"Alright, so what's up? What you hiding?"

Anti moved up and down on his heels, "Well. . . . I have a plan."

"A plan?"


"What is this plan?"

"To make Chase happy this Christmas" Anti skated around what he knew he HAD to really say.

Jackie nodded, "Okay. . . . and how do you want to go about that? You getting him a present for Christmas?"

"Sort of"

"What do you mean, sort of? Explain" Jackie crossed his arms and Anti swallowed.

"Okay so don't judge me on this. . . "

"That's a horrible way to start but go on"

"You know Chase was upset about not seeing his kids for Christmas. He hasn't seen them in quite a few months now, actually"

"Yes." Jackie was very interested in what Anti was getting at.

 "Well I thought that maybe, you know, perhaps  . . . we could do something about that?"

Jackie closed his eyes, sort of knowing where Anti was going with this already but allowed him to continue, "And?"

"I sort of need your help for this plan" he paused again.

"Go on"

Anti really didn't want to say it.

Jackie sighed, "Anti, what's the plan?"

"Kidnap the kids"

Jackie groaned and Anti tried to justify it, "I said don't judge me! Now just hear me out!"

"I'm in"

Anti halted and stared at Jackie, "Wait. . . .wh-what?"

"I said I'm in" Jackie placed his hands on his hips, "Chase deserves it. That bitch of an ex-wife of his is going against the law, for one, keeping his kids away from him constantly. Sean was right. He has the legal right to see them twice a month and every other holiday and this Christmas was supposed to be his time with his kids, especially."

"Wow, I didn't think you'd actually agree to this"

"I don't agree to necessarily 'kidnapping' his kids but. . . hero work this time of year is a bit hard to come by. Christmas is sort of more relaxing than any other time of year so I'm kind of bored right now, honestly. But you need a better plan"

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