~Chapter one~

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Going to the studio

My name is Lydia Hart and my father is Joey Drew. Yes I know, he's the owner of the big old abandoned animation studio that Bendy was created in. He went missing before I was born. No one has even been able to find him.

My mother? Well, she died giving birth to me. So who do I live with now? I live with a colleague of my fathers; Henry Stein . Henry is like my actual dad. He's been here for me for my first break up, through when I first went to school and was scared, when I thought there were monsters under my bed and a lot more. I owe him a lot for taking me in.

I may have never met my dad but I miss him. I miss him as much as I miss my mom. I would do anything to have him back right now. To have the both of them. Sighing I get off my bed and head down stairs.

"Hey Henry," I say.

"Hey kiddo, what's up?" he asks. He knows something is up because I'm never down stairs at this time in the morning. I'm usually in some weird position talking in my sleep.

"Do they really have no good leads on my fathers disappearance?" I ask for the hundredth time. A sad look crosses his face. I haven't brought up my father for a few months so I think he thinks I finally gave it up but I never have.

"What brings this up?" he asks.

"I was just thinking," I say dismissively because I don't want to tell him my thought process on this. I know what he'll say. I'm not supposed to go down to the old studio because it's dangerous and wooden boards could fall on me or I could fall through the floor or get attacked by a wild animal or whatever. He raises an eyebrow at me. I know that face. He's going to ask me to elaborate on it.

"No." I say right as he open his mouth to speak. He holds up his hands in surrender.

"Okay then," he says. "I've got to go to work now Lydia," he tells me. I hug him good bye and he's off.

Good thing I didn't tell him. He would have talked me out of it and I wouldn't have gone. I'm just glad it's summer break.

Going up stairs I grab one of my old school bags, a dark purple one. I put spare batteries for my flashlight in the bag, snacks that I've stashed in my room because I'm to lazy to go down stairs and grab some to put in my bag. I grab my phone charger, though I doubt the place will still have power after all this time but my car does have a place where you can plug in a charger. Lastly I pack a few outfits. Don't ask me why but I just felt as though I'd be needing them. I shrug. I don't plan on being there for more then a few hours. I'll be home by the time Henry gets home.

Oh right. At the last moment I put my sketch book in my bag. Couldn't hurt right?

But a little part inside of me still had a fear that something would happen so I write him a note as to where I was going in case something stopped me from leaving. With that I lock up the house, turn the lights off and go out to my silver Toyoda. I brought this car with the help of Henry. I've saved up for a car since I first stared being able to make money. I got it not to long ago. I'm seventeen so I have a drivers license.

I put my keys in the engation and my car hums to life. I pull out of the driveway and head down to my father's old studio. I've always wanted to see the place so it's a win win I guess.

It doesn't take me long to get there, only about maybe, ten fifteen minutes or so. I pull in a drive to the back so no one will see my car here.

Getting out I get my flashlight ready and make sure I have my phone in my pocket. I walk up to the huge building and try every door. I've tried every door but the front door.

I shrug my shoulders, couldn't hurt to try I guess. I try it and to my dismay it's unlocked. Huh. I walk in and shut the door. Turning on my flashlight I walk down a hallway leading into a big room. It smells strongly of ink and I wrinkle up my nose. 

I go through hallways until I come to this figure like thing with it's chest ripped out. I gasp when I realize it's Boris. Wow, that very realistic. Like he was actually alive or something. This room gives me the creeps and I hear a weird whisper like sound. I decide to go somewhere else. 

I continue to wander until I get to a hallway that says, Ink Machine, on top of it. Wonder what that is. I walk down that hallway but the room is all boarded up. I walk closer because I want to at least get a peak of what's inside but as I'm a foot away when this black creature jumps up and swipes at me. I scream and run to the exit.

I look behind me but don't see anything. I slow my pace as the door is only three feet away from me but as I get a foot away from it the floor claspes under me and I go tumbling down. Screaming I hit the floor and go down again.

I hit the bottom with a thud and let out a groan of pain. "Ow," I mumble. I try to sit up but everything is blurry and my head hurts.

I eventually manage to pull myself up using the wall that I had to crawl over to. My leg and arm are throbbing as well as my head is but I try to press on and find a way out of here.

Suddenly I feel something slam into the back of my head and I fall down unconscious.


(Sammy's Pov)

I hear a scream and then a loud thud. A sheep! I quickly make my way towards the noise and sure enough there she is. My little sheep. I watch as she drags herself up and wait for the perfect chance to knock her out.

She drags herself over to the wall and uses that to stand up. Once she's standing I quietly sneak up behind her and hit her over the head with a mettle dust pan. She lets out a cry of pain and falls to the floor unconscious.

"Sleep my little sheep," I whisper to her as I'm knelling on the floor next to her. She will do perfect for my lord. And then I will be free from this inky abyss!

I carefully pick up my little sheep as to not damage her for my lord and I bring her to the rooms just outside of the music department. Gathering some rope I try to her a chair in the middle of the room and wait for her to wake.

My little sheep(Sammy x OC)COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now