~Chapter Twenty Two~

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(Sammy's pov)

Joey is missing. Has been for about two days now. He wouldn't come when she called nor when we were attacked. Lydia is worried out of her mind about him so I said I'd go look for him. She seemed happy with that but wasn't happy when I said she couldn't go with. It's for her safety. If she comes with I fear she'd be in danger. Who know's what could have happened to her father. I don't know of any creature strong enough to take him down but I don't know what all lurks in this old studio.

I just hope it's not Alice. She's obsessed with me for whatever reason I've no clue of. She likes me, hence why she asked me out two times. I said no both times. I know she was once Susie. I don't call her that for my own safety. It pisses her off.

I did like Susie. She was the only one I ever thought about asking out. I don't know if I ever would have asked her. All of this happened before I could ever know that.

First I go to Bendy's, or Joey's lair but he's not there. However, there are searchers. One comes up to me and starts to groan. Luckily I can understand them. he tells me that Bendy gave Alice to think ink because she got free of her inky ropes. Then he tells me he told Bendy of a creature who lurks in the depths and that he went to go investigate it for Lydia's safety. That must be what happened to him.

"Thank you," I tell the searcher.

I should go see if there's a way I can help him. Its going to take a while but I think I can be back in time so Lydia doesn't get worried about me.

I start my way to the depths. It's been about an hour and I'm nearly there when I see Alice. How is she still alive? Then I see a butcher gang member attacking her. She screams and backs away, a look of fright on her face.

The ink must have changed her after Joey gave her to the ink. That's the only thing that makes sense about why she's scared of that creature. Normally she'd be disgusted and yelling at it. Then she'd drag it back to her machines and exterminate on it. I wonder how much she can remember after being taken over by the ink? I sigh as I sneak on on the both of them and ambush the Butcher gang member.

"Oh my!" Alice exclaims.

"Are you alright?" I ask.

"Y-yes," she says. "What was that thing?" she asks.

"That was a butcher gang member. Steer clear of them in the future," I tell her. She nods. Defiantly not Alice anymore. Alice knows well what the Butcher gang is.

"Who are you?" she asks.

"I'm Sammy," I tell her. Wow. She really doesn't remember anything.

"Sammy!" she exclaims. "My gosh! It feels like just yesterday we were recording for a film and now we're inky creatures!" she exclaims. So she remembers me from the distant past.

"What was you name again?" I ask. "It's been so long," I say. I wonder if she's going to say Alice or Susie. This will determine if she really has changed or not. I know for sure her voice has changed. It's gone back to what it sounded like before she became an ink creature.

"Susie," she tells me. She is defiantly not the same person anymore. She is back to her normal self. Little does she know all she has done. It would probably scare her.

I lower my axe and I take a step towards her. She looks a little scared. "Don't worry. I'll protect you," I tell her in a soft voice. I love Lydia. You mean nothing to me anymore Susie.

She nods and takes a step towards me. We hear noises above. She jumps, letting out a whimper of fear. My Lydia is must stronger than that. She wouldn't have jumped or whimpered. She would have continued on with her mission. I admire her strength.

My little sheep(Sammy x OC)COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now