~Chapter Seventeen~

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(Lydia's Pov) 

Sammy gets off of me after we both catch our breaths. I sit up and start putting my clothes back on. I bite my lip as I walk over to Sammy. He turns around and looks down at me, I look up at him and hug him. he hugs me back.

"I'm happy you didn't leave," Sammy tells me. 

"I am too," I tell him. Damn, the longer I'm with him the more I start to like him. 

We both walk out into the actual lounge part and sit down on the couch. I pull out my drawing book and Sammy hands me a pencil. Where the hell is he finding all these pencils? 

I start to draw what I think Sammy looked like as a human. I make him tall because he is tall. I draw him with shoulder length hair. I think he had blue eyes with dirty blond hair. As I start to draw his clothing I draw a tee shirt with the words 'fuck off' on it and put him in skinny genes. Perfect! I put on the top right of the paper the words, 'Blue eyes, blond hair, and average skin color.' 

I go to show Sammy but see he is already looking. He takes my sketchbook from me and look at the picture I drew of him. "You're not wrong," he says. 

"About what?" I ask. 

"My eye, hair and skin color," he tells me. 

"Wait? Really?!" I ask. Omg, how did I get that right!

"How did you know?" he asks. 

"It's how I imagined you as a human," I say. He nods his head. 

Turning the page he takes my pencil from me and stars drawing. He's actually not a half bad drawer. His drawing is decent. Has a lot of room to improve but all drawers have a lot of room to improve, me included. 

As I watch him a picture starts to form. It looks like a cat! He adds patches to the cats face and body. After he's done he writes the name, Sophie under the cat. He then sighs his name in the lower right corner. 

"You're not half bad Mr. Lawrence," I tell him. 

"You're better than me," he tell me. 

"You're good too," I say. 

He hands me my sketchbook back. "What should I draw?" I ask. He seems to be in thought for a moment before he answers. 

"Surprise me." he tells me. I nod my head and start drawing a random picture of him. 

I start to draw the cartoon version of Bendy with his arms stretched out to take a straight line. He is looking down at his feet and he is walking. Also, he's wearing a tutu. I smile as I finish the drawing. That took me hardly any time to do! 

I show Sammy who looks at it for a minute before he chuckles. "That was fast," he comments. 

Courtesy of my friends doing I can't help but take what he said in an immature way nor could I help but say, "That's what he said." 

Sammy looks at me and I think he has an eyebrow raised. "What?" I ask as though I did nothing. He shakes his head and I smile. 

"So, this is Bendy in a tutu," I say, stating the obvious. "I can't wait to show him!" I say. I can't wait to see his reaction! 

We hear  knock at the door. "Stay here Lydia, I'll get it," Sammy says as he gets up and goes over to the door. 

I soon hear a female voice say, "I've got a problem." Alice! What's she doing here?!

"With what?" Sammy asks. He's acting so casual with her! What kind of relationship does he have with her...? 

"That damn demon. He threatened to kill me if I ever did anything related to that thing you call a girl," she tells Sammy in an annoyed voice. 

My little sheep(Sammy x OC)COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now