~Chapter Thirty One~

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(Lydia's Pov)

~~~In dream~~~

I look around, confused. Where am I? Everything is dark but ti soon fades and I can see now. 

"Hello?" I say. I'm a a room by myself. It's a room somewhere in the studio and it's a not small but not big either. 

I look around and see a black mist. Looks to be the same mist I saw around Sammy. Confused I reach my hand towards it, not expecting it to speak. 

"You are strong child." I jump, startled. IT CAN SPEAK?! 

"What are you?" I ask. 

"I am Sammy's soul." Say what now?

"But Sammy is human again, how can you be his soul?" I say. This doesn't make sense.

"To become an ink creature you have to lose your soul." he says. Hmmmm... 

"Are you the one who gave me that nightmare?" I ask. I doubt that the book could have done it. 

"Yes." he tells me. 

"Why?" I ask. 

"Sammy may be human now but will not live long without his soul." I'm told. My heart stops. 

"No. he can't die!" I say in fear. 

"The dream was only a test. Now that I know that I can communicate you I can help you keep us alive," he tells me. 

"Just tell me how and I'll do it," I tell him. The mist takes on a human form and solifies in front it me. 

"I'm going to communicate to you in the waking world but I need you to do something now so I can do that," he says. Wait. If Sammy's soul returns will he still love me? Sammy loves me but does his soul?

"Am I going to lose him?" I ask, already feeling tears prick my eyes at the thought. 

"I have watched you from the moment you came here. I've seen what you've done, what you're doing, what you plan and I can see the love that my body has for you. No, Lydia. You won't lose me," he tells me. I sigh in relief. Thank god. 

"What do I have to do?" I ask now that I can focus on anything other than the fact that I might lose him. 

Without speaking he takes the last few steps so there's so space between us and he kisses me. Is this cheating? It's technically still Sammy. I couldn't pull away anyways, his hand is one the back of my head stopping me so I kiss him back. 

My body feels weird by the time he pulls back. I look up at him. They may have different views and thoughts on things, I'm guessing. Sammy hasn't had his soul for a long time so it'd made sense. But I know I can trust him. 

~~~End of dream ~~~

I sit up to fast and I get a headache. "Ow," I mumble as I look towards the closed door. 

'Lydia, I need you to get away without them noticing,' Sammy's soul tells me. 

'No problem. There's a secret door in this room that I discovered not to long ago,' I say. I quietly walk over to that door and I make my way out. 

'I'm going to guide you to the place that I'm trapped in, I won't let the other's see you until you go back.'

'How long is thing going to take?' I ask. 

'If there's no problems then it will only take about 45 minutes,' he says. 

'Okay, lead the way,' I tell him. 

I go through hallway to hallway as he guides me to parts of the studio's I've never been to before. I brought my phone with me so by the time I get there it's been twenty two minutes when I look at the time. 

I go to open the door but it doesn't work. 'You'll need to smear some of your blood on the door,' he says. 

"Okay. I'll just reopen the cut on my wrist." I say out loud. I pick at the cut until I get it to reopen and bleed. With that I put my wrist up to the door and smear some of my blood on it. I then go to open it and it works this time. 

I walk in and look around. The room from my dream! "Sammy?" I say. 

"I'm here," I hear him say. I look around but don't see him. Instead I see a black mist and it soon takes Sammy's form. 

"Let's get you back to your body," I tell him. he nods and we walk back. 

I open the main door and see everyone is there sitting on the couches. Their heads snap up as I walk in and Sammy runs over to me. 

"Where the hell were you?! Do you know how worried we were?!" he questions as he scolds me. 

"I was getting your soul," I tell him. He looks confused until he sees something behind me and looks surprised. Everyone is looking behind me. 

"You're...me?" Sammy asks in confusion. 

"Yes." he says. 

"How did you find him?" my dad asks. 

"He appeared to my in my dream," I say. I can tell everyone is in thought by the lack of sound. 

Sammy's soul walks over so that he's in front of Sammy and walks into his body. Sammy stumbles a bit before he shakes his head.

"Thank you," Sammy says. Did I just lose the Sammy that I know?! I feel kinda sad that I might have. 

I hug him and he hugs me back right away. Does that thank you mean that his soul is in control now? So is the him that I know gone? I pull back and look at his eyes. They're slightly more blue then I remembered them being. 

"I need to talk to Lydia, alone," Sammy says. His voice is slightly different. His voice makes him sound like he's a bit older then he looks. 

I take his hand and lead him to the room with he cot in it and close the door. "What do you need to talk about?" I ask. 

"I don't want you to be disappointed when I'm not the Sammy you know..." I cut him off from what he's saying. 

"Sammy. I love you for you. Nothing can change that," I tell him. 

"I'm not going to act the same as he did, I don't want that to..." I cut him off again. I walk over to him and kiss him. That seems to work because he doesn't pull away to try to continue to say what he was saying. 

He kisses me back and pulls me close to him. What he does next takes me off guard. He turns us about and takes a set towards me causing me to fall back. I wrap me arms around his neck so I don't fall but then I land on the bed. I'm a bit surprised when he gets on top. 

"I thought we supposed to be talking," I say. 

"This is more fun," he tells me. I roll my eyes. 

"Goofball," I say. He just looks down at me with a big grin on his face. "What?" I ask. 

"Being here, with you in person. It's so nice," he says. 

"Being around you in general is nice," I tell him. He kisses me. 

"No get off of my you goofball," I tell him. He takes his dear ol' time but he eventually moves. 

I wonder what he needs to talk to me about?

Chapter thirty one! Aaaaaand......THANK YOU FOR ALL THE READS! I'm 8 away from 2 thousand! I can't say how happy I am about that. Thank you all so much, especially those who were there from the beginning and just for reading this. The fact that you're still reading this means a lot to. me. 

Whatcha all think so far? Lemme know in the comments. 




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