~Chapter Twenty Three~

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(Lydia's Pov)

It's been two whole days since we last saw my dad and I'm so worried. When I called for him he didn't come which scared me. We had to fight off those three butcher gang member on our own and Sammy almost got seriously hurt! 

Sammy said he'd go out and look for him but that I couldn't come with. Out of worry for my dad I agreed. Though I really wanted to come with, I needed to know he's alive rather I'm the one who sees it with my eyes or not. 

I sigh. Sammy said he'd be back in six hours. I turn on my phone in worry. It's been over six hours. Actually a half an hour past six hours. 

I sit there for another fifteen minutes before I can't sit here anymore. I get up, grab my bag, take everything out of it that I won't need and start heading out. In search for both Sammy and my dad. I bring my phone with me but put it on vibrate. 

I don't know how many stairs I've taken nor how many turns I've went around but I do know that it's been about two hours since I headed out. I hope Sammy isn't back and is worried about me. I just hope he's okay. I hope both him and my dad are okay. 

I open a door to a place that reeks very strongly of ink. I wrinkle my nose. I walk further from the stairs and see that the whole place is flooded of ink. Then I see a light. Another person! I quickly sit down my bag and walk towards the light. Finally! Another person. 

"Hey!" I yell as I go down the stars and walk into over knee deep ink. I almost can't walk! The light shines on me, blinding me before I hear a screech. I panic. Oh shit, not friendly! NOT FRIENDLY! I try to run back to the stairs but I'm six feet into the ink and it's hard to move. I look behind me and scream as I'm hit. 

I splash in the ink and the creature picks me up. Damn it, this is probably going to stain my hair. Not the point right now but I rather liked my hair the way it was and not it's stained black. Well, somewhat stained black. Might as well just dye my hair black now at this point.  

I struggle in the creatures grasp. I look up at it and gasp when I see it has a projector as a head. He's walking to hell knows where and I try to struggle. It only grips my tighter and it's finger start to painfully dig into my ribs. He sets me down and goes to swipe at me. I scoot back in fear. 

I gave Sammy and bendy back their humanity. Maybe I could do the same for him...her? This creature. 

"This isn't who you are!" I say. It stops and tilts its projector head. "Don't let the ink control you. This isn't you. You're stronger than the ink. I believe in you, I believe you're strong enough to fight the ink. You just have to have hope. I promise you you're life won't be this way forever. Not when I can fix it!" I say, trying to get through to the person trapped inside the ink. It raises it's hand but then looks at it's hand as though just realizing that it's raised. It shakes it's head and takes a step back, almost falling. It screeches and falls over to it's side. I think he's trying to fight it!

I move over to it and put my hand on it's shoulder. Maybe me doing this will help? A touch from another human can be very calming at times. Its head snaps up at me as it relaxes. 

"Where am I?" I hear it's confused, horse voice say. So this creature is a male.  

"In the studio," I tell him. His projection light dims so that I can actually look at him. He stand there for a second. 

Grabbing my arm and pulls me towards him. "We- we need to go! Bendy is down here! He could attack us!" he exclaims as he tries to pull me away. 

"He won't hurt me, he my father," I tell my new friend. Wow, that happened so fast! I guess my words hold power behind them considering I've talked sense into two different inky creatures now. 

My little sheep(Sammy x OC)COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now