~Chapter Sixteen~

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(Bendy's Pov) 

Henry tells me to take him to the top so I do and he leaves. I look around for any other sigh of life but find none so I go back to the lounge. I travel through the ink so that I'm in the lounge but instantly regret it when I hear what's going on in the other room. They really need to use protection. I sigh as I teleport out of the room and to my lounge. 

I go over to my chair and sit down. I'm glad Henry let her stay, not that he had much of a choice though. She wasn't about to willingly leave and would have gotten hurt in the process if Henry forced her to. 

I really hope my daughter finds a way to fix this. To take away the ink in us but leave the human. I don't even know how I managed it to begin with. I used that dammed ink machine and dark magic. I was so obsessed at making my cartoon come to life that I guess I lost my grip on reality. Now look where I am. I became my own worst demon. I guess I deserved this for what I did to all of those innocent people. 

I get back up, deciding I'm going to pay Alice a little visit. I need to make her understand excatually what is going to happen if she touches Lydia. I know just where to find her too. I've been stalking her for some time now, just to see what she's up to. Little does she know that I can control of their are ink vines around me that will announce my presents. When i was in a crazed state I couldn't but I can now. 

I travel through the ink and reappear in the shadows. Moving in the shadows I soon come to where she mostly resides. Sure enough, there she is. I walk up behind her small form and growl. She jumps, startled. 

"B-Bendy!" She exclaims. I know she wasn't expecting this. 

"Let's make one thing clear Susie," I say, using her actual name to piss her off. "You touch Lydia, I will kill you. You go near her I will kill you. You try to look for her and I will kill you. Leave her alone and we will be just fine," I threaten. 

"Aww, did little Benny wenny fall in love?" she says, tauntingly. I know she's trying to anger me and it kinda worked. Of course I'm not going to let her know that. I'll tell her who I am. That will probably work. 

"Do you know who I am Susie?" I ask. 

"Who wouldn't recognize that iconic smile of your, Bendy?" she question. 

"I'm the guy who got you into this mess. I'm Joey Drew." I say. She looks startled, then angry. She starts to laugh. 

"You," she says with hate. She comes at me but I grab her by the neck in my clawed hand and lift her off the ground. She struggles in my grip. She may be an ink creature now but we still need air to live. 

"That girl that you met, you know, that one named Lydia?" I ask. When she doesn't respond I growl a warning growl. 

She chokes out a "Yes." 

"She is my daughter. You so much as look at her wrong and you're dead," I growl out at her before I drop her to the ground. She gasps for air as she looks up at me, a fearful expression on her face. She knows I could kill her right now if I wanted to. She knows I could giver her to the ink. But I'm not a monster anymore, nor am I a killer.  

I go down to her level and growl, causing her to back up until her back hits the machine she was working on behind her. 

"Remember what I said. If you hurt her you might as well kiss your life goodbye." I say before I stand back up and travel back through the ink. 

I think I got my point across to her. I didn't want to tell her Lydia was my daughter because she'll be more eager to get the girl but now that she knows who I am I know she wants me to suffer like she is. I already am. Just not as bad as her. I will protect Lydia. Even if it costs me my life. Though, through my whole time here as an ink demon I've found that nothing I know of can kill me. Not an axe, not the Tommy gun of Susie's, nor the gent pipe. 

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