~Chapter Two~

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Meeting Sammy

I open my eyes and immediately panic. I try to move my arms and legs but am startled to realize that I am tied down. What the hell?! I struggle trying to get free but end up hurting myself.

I hear footsteps behind me and I freeze. Who could it be?! Could it be my father?! I hope it's not the creature I encountered! I try to turn my head so I can see but can't turn my head enough so I give up.

"Who are you?" I demand with hope. The person walks out from behind me into my view. I gasp. It looks like he's made of ink! What the hell? He's wearing a Bendy mask and that makes this whole thing that much more creepy.

"Ah yes, I expected you to be curious. I am Sammy, Sammy Lawrence. Head of the music department." he tells me.

So he use to work here? That doesn't make sense. He's an ink creature! How could he use to work here? My mind brings up a new idea; what if he wasn't always an inky monster?

"W-why did you tie me up?" I question and mentally cure at myself for stuttering.

"Hush little sheep," he says. I look up as I hear noises from above, it frightens me. "My lord! Can you hear his crawling above? Crawling! He will set us free!" he rants as I try not to freak out once again. "The time of sacrifice is at hand!" he declares. I swear my heart stopped for a whole minute when I hear him said those words.

"W-what do you mean?!" I exclaim, mentally cursing myself out for stuttering once again. I mustn't show him any fear! I think it's bad if I show fear.

"He will set us free," Sammy tells me. I don't believe he will for one second. But as I look at Sammy and think, I can't help but feel sympathy for him. I can imagine wanting to be free if I were trapped here like he has been. It only makes since that he's trapped here, I mean, he's made of ink now, he can't really leave.

"You don't have to do this," I tell him. He shakes his head and starts to walk away.

"Wait!" I yell. "I can— I can help you!" Yeah right. "What if I.... help you gather more sacrifices?" I ask.

"No. I only need you, my little sheep," he tells me. Only needs me...

"But-but-but.... Wouldn't your lord be happier with more...sheep...?" I ask. He pauses as he starts to walk away again.

"I know what you're up to little sheep, you are a persuasive little slink," he says and my heart drops.

"But wouldn't you want to give him enough sheep worth the life of one soul?" I probe on.

"You are very convincing. Yes, I will free you and you will help me gather more sheep," He says as he turns around and walks over to me, cutting the rope around my wrist but leaving the rope still wrapped around my left wrist, he has a firm grip on it.

"There are many lives counting on you my sheep. We're trusting you." he says but then pauses as if in thought and adds, "I'm sure the ink demon wouldn't mind me bringing you straight to him if you try to run," he say in a low voice.

This stirs fear within me but I don't let it get to me. He lets go of the rope that's around my wrist and it falls to the ground. He starts to walk over to an axe in the back of the room. I take this time to run.

I take off running through the halls and rooms, my pace picking up as I hear Sammy yell at me to stop. For some reason I want to listen, I want to stop but I'm scared, and that fear is what is driving me to go faster.

My body still hurts from the fall I took through the floor but I pay no notice to it one so bit at all. I. Must. Run. I run until I round a corner and come to a dead end. I stop rather quickly and lose my balance. Suddenly black vanes appear on the floor and they're moving. That can't be good.

My little sheep(Sammy x OC)COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now