Chapter Twenty Seven

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I'm still nowhere closer to freeing them as I hope I would be. It's disappointing. I sigh as I lay down next to Sammy on the bed. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him. I snuggle into him but I just can't sleep. There's actually two exits to the safe house so I decide to take the less noticeable one. I just need to walk and think to clear my mind so I can sleep. 

As I'm walking I meet a few searchers and butcher gang members but nothing here will hurt me so I've got nothing to fear anymore. I look around but the halls start to look the same and soon I'm lost. I want to talk to my dad, wherever he may be. 

As I'm walking I get into a place I've never been to before. It's a amusement park! I run down the stairs and look around. Good thing the walls kinda glow or everything'd be pitch black right now! Is it magic isn't it? Hmmm. If it's magic that did it, that means there's a way to reverse it! I just need to figure out what has been done so I can figure out how to undue it! 

As much as I need to talk to my dad I decide to stay here for awhile. I'm already here, might as well look around I guess.

I walk over to the game where you knock pins down and I throw the balls at them, knocking almost all of them down. I turn my head to look at the other games before looking back at the pins. WHAT?! They're back in place! It's definitely magic. I'd say dark magic too. I have to be able to fix this! I feel anxiety at not being able to. Come'on. You gotta have hope. For them. 

I walk around a bit and see switches. I eventually get them so I can turn them all on. The butcher gang must be really good at communicating to each other because none of them will attack me. I turn the last one and the light I've managed to turn on flicker. Weird. 

I decide to ride the rollercoaster type thingy but it stops in a room. I get out and look around. So weird! There's pictures in the room that just look weird and a sofa in the middle. Huh. I decide to walk back. 

SO DARK! Do I really have to walk down that?! Nope! "DAD!" I yell. Nothing happens. "DAD!" I yell louder. Damn no ink puddles I can step in either. I sigh. Darkness it is. 

I walk blindly through the darkness until I finally get to the other side. I walk out into the light. Finally! Now. How do I get back? I don't got time to play games when I can be talking to my dad about this. I've already stalled enough. That walk back took ten minutes because I kept tripping and got turned around once. I was mad about that too. I don't even know how long it took be to get here. Maybe an hour? 

I sigh. "DAD!" I yell louder than the other two times. I walk about some more and eventually find a Bendy cutout.  

"I wish you could hear me dad," I say while looking at the cutout. What I didn't know was that he appeared from the floor behind me. 

I turn around and scream. "HOLLY HELL DAD YOU SCARED THE HELL OUT OF ME!" I half yell. He laughs. 

Wait. Why's he here? "How did you know I was here ?" I ask. 

"I can see through the cutouts," he tells me. Interesting. And freaky. 

"Correct me if I'm wrong but this is all dark magic right?" I ask. He nods his head after a few seconds. That's what I thought. 

"That means there should be a loop hole," I say more or so to myself. I look over at everything. "It's gotta be me," I tell my dad. As egotistic as that sounds I know it has to be me.  "I'm the one who gave you guys yourself back. If other's couldn't do it that means only I can," I say, the gears in my mind turning on overdrive. 

Dad is silent for a moment before saying, "I made a loop hole. It was your mother." I go into thought until he continues to speak. "I was the dark and she was supposed to be the light. Since you have both in your blood you can either help us or control us," he tells me. Control?! What?! or one, NO, for two why would I?

My little sheep(Sammy x OC)COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now