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Sorry for not updating for while. Things have been crazy and I don't have as much free time as I use to. Part of it is my fault for not using my free time wisely. My weekends aren't as free as they use to be as well. 

I am in the process of writing chapter twenty four though and I should have it done this week. Sorry for making you all have to wait so long. Thank you for those of you who have been here the whole time. It means a lot to me. 

Once again. I'm open to suggestion on what should happen next. Feel free to comment them or pm me any time. I should reply within a day, considering on what time zone you're in. 

I'm also taking suggestion for my oneshot batim book right now. I will do about any character and I will do anything from a sad story to a love story to a lemon. I will also dedicate the chapter to you or you can remain anonymous. 

Once again. Don't be afraid to Pm me. I'm a friendly person. 

Have a good day/night/evening!

My little sheep(Sammy x OC)COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now