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Hey everyone! I'm want to to say sorry. I'm stuck on the other chapter I was going to publish today so I won't be publishing it today. Sorry!

I'll try to have it ready as soon as possible though! Am I going to fast? If so then please tell me and I will take down the newest chapter and build up to it a bit more. I won't delete it though. Please tell me what you all think. If you all want something more then I'll add it. You just need to say something rather it be over the comments section on a pm. 

Anyways, sorry again. And sorry about the chapters being slowly updated as well. I hope you're all enjoying the book though. I've put a lot of work into it so you all could get the most out of reading it. If there's anything I could have done better or changed just tell me. The feedback would be appreciate highly.

Have a good night/day/after noon. Hey, would any of you want to know about me? I know I get curious about the person who writes the books I like. If so then comment HD. 

And thank you all for reading. If anyone needs someone to talk to I'm here. No matter what you want to talk about. I care about you all therefore you can come to me if you need someone. My pm is always open and I will respond as soon as I can. 

My little sheep(Sammy x OC)COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now