~Chapter Thirty Three~

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Sammy leads me back to the lounge. When I get there I see my body but she looks scared. It feels so weird being able to see myself like that. I walk over to my body and her eyes widen. 

"Get away form me!" she exclaims. 

"I am you so I can't ever be away from you," I tell her. 

"You're my soul! Sammy was telling me about you," he says. It's weird that taking one's soul makes them different. I nod and look over at my dad and Sammy. 

"We've got all the items right?" I ask. They both nod. Good. "Then let's start." I say. 

"Start what?" my body asks. 

"Freeing the souls trapped here," I tell her. 

"I can't," she says. 

"But I can. I'll tell you how. I can't do a damn thing unless it's my actual body that does it," I tell her. She looks unsure but nods her head. 

"Come," he dad says. It just occurs to me. My dad doesn't have his soul either. Wow I'm smart aren't I? I should have already known that. 

My dad takes my hand then by body's hand then Sammy hand and we're traveling through the ink. We reappear in a huge room full of lost ones. I'm a bit dizzy but not as much as when I first traveled though the ink. I think I'm getting use to it. 

They all look at us with sad expressions. "We're here to free you now," I tell them. Their expressions change to hope and doubt. 

Sammy sets the six items on the ground in a circle. "Okay," he says looking at my body. "Use you ink to make a pentagram with them," he tells her, holding the book in his hand. 

She nods and makes the pentagram. Sammy sets the book in the middle when she's done. I really hope one of them knows what to do next because I sure don't! 

"Okay. Now we stand on opposite sides of the pentagram," Sammy tell her. She gets on the opposite side from him. He pulls out a knife and cuts his arm. "You're turn," he tells her. Her eyes go wide but then she looks at all of them and her expression goes firm. 

She takes the knife from him and with a deep breath she cuts her arm too and then looks at Sammy. Sammy tilts his arm over to the blood can run off of him and he dribbles it onto the six objects and then the book. My body does the same thing. 

The book starts to glow and opens up, flipping through all it's pages as a black mist comes out from it. 

"Get back in your body now!" Sammy yells as the whole place starts to shake. I quickly run into my body and all the thoughts I had while not in my body comes rushing in like a flood. 

A huge blast of light appears and then everything goes dark. When the darkness fades I look around I don't don't see any ink creatures anymore. Instead I see people laying on the ground, slowly standing up as they look at their hands and bodies. 

I smile. "We did it Sammy!" I say as I become dizzy. I look around for my dad and I see a guy laying on the ground in front of us, looking at his hands. He looks up at us. 

"You sure did, Lydia," he says. He looks the same is in the pictures I have of him and mom. I smile and flop myself into his arms for a hug. He hugs back. I see all the people walking towards us. 

I eventually pull back and we both stand up. The now humans again crowd around me, some hugging me, some thanking me while others are crying to much to speak. 

I couldn't be more happy right now even if I tried. "Let's leave this hell," my dad says. 

"Agreed," I say. We all walk up and make our way back to the lounge in this oversized studio. I open the lounge door and immediately I'm in someone's arms. 

They pull back and I think it's Susie. Some the the freed souls leave as soon as they can but a few stick around. Like Susie, Norman, my dad, Henry, and two other's I don't know. We're all in the lounge now. 

"I can't believe it worked!" says a voice that kinda sounds like Norman. 

"I'm proud of you," Henry tells me. 

"I told you all I could so it!" I tell them.  

We chat for a few more minutes before we all decide to blow this popsicle stand. We leave. Henry is going to take Norman, Susie and the two other's home while Sammy me and my dad come back to where I live with Henry. 

We walk into my home. It feels so good to be back! "Welcome to my home," I tell them. They all look around. 

"Is that a Tv?" Sammy asks, pointing the the flatscreen tv. 

"Yeah. Technology has majorly advanced since you stuck there I guess," I say. 

"I can't believe so much has happened in 19 years!" he exclaims. (I know. It was originally 40 years in the game but I'm changing it for the sake of people not aging and that bringing up to many questions form others.)

It's actually pretty late so we all deice to hit the hay. Freeing all those souls really took all the energy out of me, I just now realize. I show my dad to the guest bedroom and and I show Sammy my room. 

"Wow, you're a big fan of Bendy," he comments I blush. 

"Yeeeaah," I say. "I kinda obsessed over him because it would make me feel closer to my dad when I didn't know where he was," I say. 

He puts his arm around me. "He's here now, and so am I," he says. 

"I know. And I couldn't be happier," I say. I know the reality of what just happened is gonna hit me any time but for now I'm just going to live in the moment. I yawn. 

"Let's sleep," I tell Sammy. 

"Sounds good to me," he says. We both lay on my bed. 

"Hey Sammy," I say. 

"Yeah?" he asks. 

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Here it is! My little sheep(Sammy x Reader). I hope you all enjoyed the book! I can't believe it only took me a couple months to write it for how long the book is. Should I write one more chapter? Or should I write some skits about their lives now? What do you all think?

For now I'm going to mark the book complete but I'm still open to writing one or two more chapters. Comments what you want the chapter to be about. I'm leaving the next two chapter ideas up to all of you so feel free to comment! 

Have a good day/night/afternoon, evening!




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