~Chapter Twenty eight~

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Suddenly Sammy's body starts to glow and the ink on him starts to melt to the floor, revealing skin. There's black mist around his body but it's fading slowly. 

I feel dizzy and I stumble to the side, landing on the floor. Sammy looks at his hands and then looks at his whole body. He reaches up and feels his face, a look of pure joy written on his face. Gosh. He's even more handsome then I imagined! He has the same hair and skin color I thought he would as well as eye color but damn. He's just so. So perfect. 

He then notices I'm on the ground and quickly kneels down next to me before engulfing me in a huge hug. I hug him back. I can almost feel the joy coming off of him from joy. 

"I didn't think it was possible," he tells me. "Because of you," he says pulling back. "Now we can all be free," he tells me I frown and he looks confused. 

"It only said how to free you but it gave me clues on how to free them. I need myself and the six items and you," I tell him. 

"Me?" Sammy asks. 

"Yes. You have both dark and light magic in you," I tell him. "That's why I was able to turn you back with my blood. Because I'm both dark and light," I tell him. He seems to be in thought. 

"Dad," I say, turning towards him. "I need the six items," I tell him. 

"I don't know where they are," he tells me. Damn....

I look back at the others, hope burning like fire in my vanes. I walk over to them. "Susie, mind if I test something?" I ask. 

"Oh. Sure," she says, sounding surprised. 

"I take her arm and she jumps when I put the knife to it. I cut into her arm earning me a whimper from her. I cut deep enough and as I expected. Blood. She takes her arm away and looks at it in amazement. 

"We need to get these objects soon," I say, clutching the book in my arms. 

I set the book down on the table and go to find that page again but it open on it's own and goes to a different page. I start to read what it says. 

It was day two of turning my employees into my experiments and it's a disaster. None of them can take on a human from! I call them ink blobs. Or searchers. They seem to wonder the depths looking for something. by mixing their blood with the ink and putting them in the machine I turn them. 

Of course it's no ordinary ink. I used a very old spell. It's simple really. I gathered six items from six departments. Items of value to their owners. I took those items and I put them in front of the ink. I then cut my arm and let my blood flow on them and them the ink. Not even that felt like enough. I had to do something more. It just didn't feel complete. So I got Darcy and I used her blood as well. It had a different reaction. It burned the objects. The ink. It's already in my vanes. This cannot be undone. Not by Darcy, not by me. No. One of us alone just won't do. it'd have to be the blood of both mixed together with the ink now in my vanes. 

She thinks I'm crazy. That I'm officially lost my mind. I'm doing this for us. I will get my name out there and I will have the best animation studio in the world! I want people to shake my cartoons hands. I don't want someone in a costume. So cheap, so old. No. I will make them real. 

I have mixed both our bloods now but it still doesn't feel like enough. Then an idea popped into my head. So brilliant it could have been sent from the gods themselves! That's when the machine was born. Yes, it helped in the process of turning my lab rats but it's still so early into it's stages of development. I've almost got it perfect though. It's almost ready to create the real thing. So many failed Boris'. So many waited people. But it will all be worth it. 

To reverse my spell you'd need the blood of me and the one I love both, mixed so that they both work in harmony with the ink already in my vanes flowing through the two bloods. And Sammy. Yes. Sammy. I've got big plans for him. I will not only put ink in his vanes but also the blood of Darcy and mine. He will be a major key. he's so close to losing his mind, I can see it. I msut be quick before it's to late. 

Sammy. He will be able to control the searchers. He will work by my side and together we will achieve to impossible! 

I stare at the words for a few seconds after I'm done reading. "Am I the only one able to understand this?" I ask. Susie leans over and looks at it. 

"No darling. It's not in English," she says. 

"It looks like it is though," I say, looking up at them. 

Sammy who I just noticed is to my left says, "I can read it too."

"Makes sense. You have my my mother's and father blood in your vanes like I do," I say. 

I turn towards my dad. "We need to start looking for these items," I tell him. The feeling in my stomach is getting worse. It feels like dread. I don't know of what but I know that when this feeling comes to pass that it won't be good. 

"Are you alright?" Sammy asks. 

"I have a feeling. A very bad one. We need to fix this as quick as possible and get the hell outta here," I tell him, looking up at him. 

From there we split up into teams and are assigned parts of the studio to search. I'm with Sammy. Norman and Susie are together and my father is going by himself. 

I'm really tired but I can't sleep right now. Not when I'm so close to fixing this. Sammy and I are about to head out when my phone rings. Must be Henry. 

"Hello?" I ask. 

"You listen to me now bitch. You are mine. That guy can't have you," threatens my ex. 

"Do me a favor and go to hell." I say before I hang up. I see missed calls from Henry so I decide to call him. 

"Hey," I say after he says hi. 

"You called?" I ask. 

"Yeah. How are things going?" he asks. 

"Sammy is human again," I tell him. He doesn't speak for a few moments. 

"I'm on my way down," he says before the line goes dead. I sigh. 

"Great. Now Henry is in his way here," I say. 

"We could use the help," Sammy tells me. He's not wrong. 

"You're right," I tell him as I turn around and hug him. He hugs me back. 

"Thank you," he whispers. 

"For what?" I ask as I pull away. He give me a look that says, 'You don't know?' 

"You freed me, gave my myself back and never gave up hope on me," he tell me. 

"I don't give up on those I love," I tell him. He smiles and pulls me into another hug.

"Thank you, Lydia," he tells me. I smile. 

"Goofball, let me go so we can search," I tell him. He hugs me for a couple more seconds before he lets go. With that we walk to our part of the studio and start looking. 

There. Chapter twenty right. Took longer then I would have liked to write this chapter but here it is!(Ignoring the fact she wrote this is school when she should have been drawing because she's in art class)So, Sammy is human again, what you all think? Also, does anyone think I should try to draw the cover of the book? 




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