~Chapter twenty nine~

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Sammy's and I part of the studio to look through is the art department and the music department, and about three other places I can't remember. They're a ways off from each other but oh well. 

We start in the music department. I'm looking in the recording room while Sammy is off wherever in the rest of the music department. It's funny seeing his name as the music director. It makes him seem old when he rally isn't that old. 

I'm looking over all the instruments when I see a piano. I walk over to it an pluck a key. It makes a noise. I can't resist but to play a song. I know a bit of how to play the piano from when Henry insisted I take lesions. I play a soft melody at first but then it gets more dark and louder. I always loved playing dark songs on the piano. What I didn't know was that Sammy was watching me. 

I stop and frown as I mess up a part. I sigh. "Better get back to looking," I say to myself. 

"Not bad," i hear Sammy say. I jump. 

"You were watching?!" I ask. He nods. 

"You really think it's not bad?" I ask. 

"Not really. What song was it?" he asks. 

"I made it up," I tell him. He looks surprised. It's gonna take me awhile to get use to seeing him without any ink. 

I walk over to him and decide to tease him a little. "Hey Saaaaammy," I say, stretching out his name. 

"Yeeeeees?" he asks. 

"You're cute," I say, ruffling his very soft hair. He blushes. OMG HE BLUSHES! It's so CUTE! 

He turns me and walks be backwards until I feel my back touch a wall. "Wait, hey!" I say as i try to escape him. He doesn't let me. 

He smirks before saying, "Don't fight me sheep." I blush at him calling me sheep. Waaaaait. He's said that before. 

"What? Are we going back to when we first met?" I ask. "Should i be fighting you right now?" He smiles and he grabs me hands. he moves my hands so that they're pinned against the wall. 

"Sammy," I say. He kisses me. I give in and kiss him back. We should really be looking for the one of this six objects. I made a list for everyone so they'd know what to keep an eye out for. We've already got the book so we're good there. 

I try to move my wrists to try to get Sammy to stop but I forgot that I can't move them. I'm starting to become breathless so I do the only thing I can think to do. I bite his lip. Not hard enough that it'll draw blood but hard enough that it will make him pull back. Like I thought he would, he pulls back and rests his forehead against mine. 

"Com'on. We should probably get to looking," I say. Even though I wish I could just get lost in the moment of kissing him. 

"Just a little longer?" he asks. 

"later goofball," I tell him. He pouts him bottom lip which is really cute. "I said later,"I tell him. 

"Fine," he says. Goofball. 

We continue to look for the item. I'm about to give up with the music department and walks down the staris from the recording booth but when I put my hand agaunst the wall to get up the wall give ways under my hand and I fallforwards with a yelp. 

"Lydia!?" Sammy yells and I can hear him running towards me. I sit up and see on opening in the wall just big enough for me to crawl into. I hear Sammy coming up the stars as I crawl into the opening. 

"Lydia?" he says confused. 

That's when I feel something under my hand. I grabs it and get out of the opening. I look at it in the light. It's a record with blood in it! I found one!

My little sheep(Sammy x OC)COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now