~Chapter Five~

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Opening my eyes I shut them half a second later and throw a pillow over my head. I feel someone shaking my shoulder and I groan. "Noooooooo" I whine, totally unaware that it's Sammy and not Henry.

I'm shaken again but this time not so gently. Now annoyed I do what I normally do to Henry. I smack him with my pillow and hide my head in my arms. To my dismay I'm smacked back. Henry doesn't normally do that. Must be important. I lift my head and gasp when I see Sammy. I totally forgot I was here! "Sorry," I mutter. Sammy laughs. Hey, my body doesn't hurt as bad as it did before but that fall I took from the stairs but my ankle still somewhat hurts. 

"I've made you breakfast," Sammy tells me. FOOD! I get up but knowing me I lose my balance. Though before I can completely fall, Sammy catches me and pulls me towards him.

"Thanks," I say, probably slightly blushing at how much of a klutz I am when I'm tired. "Also sorry about smacking you with the pillow," I tell him. He just laughs.

"It makes my morning more entertaining," he tells me. Oh, really?

"So I'm entertaining to you now?" I question. He ruffles my hair.

"You can be," he says. I huff and walk the other way. So, I'm not tied to him anymore. Good to know. I sigh. I'm blushing again! But do I really still wanna leave? I want to help him more than I wanna leave. It would appear that I'm staying. 

"You do know you're going the wrong way right?" He questions me. I stop walking.

"I, uh.." I spy my backpack so I make an excuse, "Need to get something out of my bag," I say. It's not a lie. Now that I think about it, there is something I want that's in there. Wait, why is my bag half open? That's odd. Must have opened from me falling through the floor, twice. 

I sit next to my bag and ruffle around it until I find what I'm looking for. Where is it?! I half empty me bag and still can't find it before I freak out. I know I put it in here last minute. Where's my sket.....

"Looking for this?" I hear Sammy ask from behind me. I turn around and my jaw drops."I found it on the ground a few feet away from you," he tells me. He must mean when he first found me if that's not obvious enough from the fact that my bag half unzipped from the fall. It just makes sense that it fell out. 

I get up and walk over to him but just as I'm about to grab it he pulls it away. "Hey!" I say.

"You're very good," he tells me. I just want my sketch book back. I try to take it and get it this time. I wanted to work on a sketch and see if I bought something with me. I follow Sammy through the music department and through a few hallways before we got to a lounge with a kitchen. I sit down at the table and realize I forgot a pencil. I frown.

Sammy puts a bowl in front in me and I thank him. Setting my sketchbook aside I take a bite what appears to be soup. THIS IS DELICIOUS!

"Sammy" I say to get his attention. He looks at me.

"This is the best thing I've ever tasted in my whole life!" I exclaim. He slightly laughs. "What? It really is delicious!" I tell him. He shrugs and we continue to eat.

Once I'm done I open my sketchbook and zone out staring at one of my drawings.

If I made that a bit shorter, and that a bit bigger ..."Lydia". No! I need to totally resize that then maybe everything would work? Hmmm..."Lydia" If only I had a pencil right now then maybe I could ..."Lydia!"

I jump, almost falling out of my chair. "Wha...?" I say confused and startled.

"Welcome back to Earth," Sammy says.

My little sheep(Sammy x OC)COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now