~Chapter Twenty Four~

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(Susie's Pov)

I've long sense made myself a safe place to say and hide away form al these scary creatures. I never feel hungry yet I still eat. I don't think it help anything though. I don't think I'm a human, considering I smell of ink and appear to be made out of it now. If only I could remember what happened!

Bits of my mind are still there but I have a feeling those memories happened a long time ago. This place, these creatures, me, their all unnerving. I want to get out of here but I don't remember how. I might as well go explore. 

As I'm walking I try to focus on a memory and don't notice a ink monster walking up to me until it hits me. I yelp and back up till I'm against a wall.  Oh no! I'm trapped! Suddenly there's an axe in the creatures head and it falls to the floor where it disappears to my dismay. 

"Oh my!" I exclaim in surprise. 

"Are you alright?" Asks a familiar voice. My savior walks out of the darkness. He's an ink creature like me!

"Y-yes," I stutter. "What was that thing?" I ask, still a bit shaken up. 

"That was a butcher gang member. Steer clear of them in the future," he tells me. I don't ever remember anything called the butcher gang. I nod my head. I can't read his expression, I wonder what he's thinking. 

"Who are you?" I ask. I know I recognize that voice from somewhere!

"I'm Sammy," he tells me. 

"Sammy!" I exclaim. I know him! "My gosh! It feels like just yesterday we were recording for a film and now we're inky creatures!" I exclaim. Hopefully he doesn't see my blushing. I like him. IS he the one I remember needing to be with? In that case then I'll make sure I am with him. I just don't know if he likes me. 

"What was your name again?" he asks. "It's been so long," he adds. 

"Susie," I tell him. He must remember me! The way he phrased he question was as if he knew my name sat once so he has to remember me! He lowers his age o his side and takes a step forwards. I'm slightly startled my this. 

"Don't worry. I'll protect you," he tell me in a soft, calming voice that lets me know he's telling the truth. I nod and take a step forwards right before we hear noises from above. Startled I jump and let out a slight whimper. This place is so scary! Good thing I've got Sammy now. He won't let anything happen to me. 

"I've made a shelter. Come on. When it gets late the creatures here come out more often," I tell him as I start to guide him to my, well now our shelter. He hesitates to follow me for a moment but I soon see him start to follow me. Good. 

Once we get to my shelter that looks like a pile of garbage and junk I open the makeshift door and lead Sammy in. He looks around when what I hope is admiration. The candles hardly provide enough light but it's just enough to see him and for some reason I can see his facial expression easier. He looks surprised. He then looks at the bed. That might be a problem. He's with me now. All I have to do is wait for the right time to make my move. I sit down and so does he, sitting his axe down in the process. 

"How did this happen, Sammy?" I ask, the curiosity getting the best of me. He studies me before answering. 

"Joey got lost in his desire to make his cartoons come to life," he tells me. This confuses me. I don't look like me. I resemble the character Alice. Did he try turning me into her? No, I'm Susie though. I don't want to be Alice, I want to be me. 

My little sheep(Sammy x OC)COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now