~Chapter Fourteen~

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Warning: Contains violence. Really the only violence it has are Sammy's thoughts, nothing that's happening in present time in the book.

(Sammy's Pov) 

I sigh as I sit there on the couch. She's going to leave. Who wouldn't want to leave this hell? With all the monsters that lurk here no one would want to come here. Who would want to come here beside people with a death wish? Lydia came but she didn't know what lurked here. I'm going to miss her. 

I've come to really like her. I know that she liked me too. She wouldn't have allowed me to have sex with her if she didn't like me in the least. Now that Henry is here and he's going to take her away from me. Away from me...

Anger fills me. I understand that I was mad back then. It was Lydia who gave me back my control. And she's going to end up leaving. I almost scream when Bendy appears out of the wall. Doesn't he know how to knock? There's a door ya know. God damn that almost made me jump out of my ink! If only it scared me bad enough I actually did just out of the ink...

He walks over to me and sits next to me. I don't want to lose her. Damn it Sammy. You grew attached to her when you knew she was going to leave. We sit in silence for a minute before it starts to drive me crazy. 

"I don't want to lose her," I say to Bendy. Bendy takes the sketchbook and writes, Neither do I. 

"What is it about her that you like?" I ask, curious to know why the demon spared my Lydia's life. What reason would he have?

Bendy sighs, writing, I'm not who you think I am. I look at that for half a minute, contemplating on what he means but don't come up with anything that makes sense.

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused. Finding out who he is could be the key to figuring out how to forsake this inky body. 

If I told you who I am you'd hate me. Upon reading this my mind comes up with a few possibilities. There's were quiet a few people here I wasn't fond of so he could be any of them really. Whoever he may be he protected my Lydia. 

"For Lydia's sake, I won't hate you for who you are. You've protected her from harm, I owe you for that," I tell him. 

I'm Joey drew, her father. I stare at that, almost not capable of comprehending that. HE'S WHO NOW? He's the guy that got me stock in this ageless body! But if this never happened I would have never met Lydia...

I look up at Joey. "Does she know?" I ask. He shakes his head. 

Don't tell her. I want her to stay more than anything just as you do but we both know that if she knows I'm her father she'll never leave. It's bad enough I told her he was here and alive.

I don't say it out loud but that's good. I don't want to lose her so maybe she'll stay? Maybe. Henry raised her. She could have just been curious of this place and that's why she came. Will she leave?  

"Do you think she'll leave with him? Is it possible that she'll stay?" I ask. I can't help but have hope. Hope. A thing that will eventually die here. Something that if you're stuck here you can't hold on to. Eventually one day you're going to give up and stop hoping. I did. I did until I met Lydia. I just knew she was different. I was reluctant to give her to Bendy so that's why I gave into her trying to convince me to not give her to the demon. If it were any other person I wouldn't have even listened to what they were saying let alone told them my name. 

Bendy growls, scribbles something on the paper and runs over to the wall, disappearing through it. Looking down at the paper I read, Lydia screamed. I'm going to go check on her.

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