~Chapter Twenty~

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(Sammy's Pov) 

I'm chatting with Joey and Lydia when her phone start to ring. She walks out of the room to get it. 

"What the hell do you want now?" She asks in an angry tone. Is that Henry she's talking to?

"Don't call me that, Josh. You lost the right to moment you cheated on me!" She says in anger as she walks out of the room. She does something to the phone that makes so we can hear what the other person is saying. New technology is beyond me. I've never seen a phone like that until Lydia came here. I guess I've been here for a long time. 

"Aw, babe. Don't be so mean. I said I was sorry," the guy names Josh says. His words anger me. Only I am allowed to call her babe! How dare he! 

"Stop calling me that! I have a boyfriend and he's not you! Screw off!" Lydia tells him with a angry tone. This josh guy is getting on my nerves now. He has no right to upset Lydia! 

"Oh hunny, no one could ever take my place at your side," he tells her which pisses me off. 

"What place? You never truly had one Josh. Stop calling me and leave me the hell alone if you know what's good for you," she warns him. I feel satiated at her words. The place by her side is taken by me and me only. Lydia is mine. She is my girl. I love her. 

"Shut your damn mouth you ungrateful bitch and stop talking to me on that kind of way. Get your ass over to my house right now, you need to be taught a lesson," he says. This puts the cherry on top. I'm completely pissed off now. 

I take the phone from Lydia and say, "Hello. This is Lydia's boyfriend. You need to back the fuck off or me and you are going to have a few words. You so much as lay a finger on her and you'll end up in the hospital," I threaten him in anger. How dare he think he can hurt my girl?! He is never going to hurt my girl as long as I'm alive. 

"You wonder why I broke up with you! You had no respect for me, violated me, hurt me and forced me to do things I didn't want to do! Go to hell!" She yells as she takes the phone from me and ends the call. She sits there staring at her phone with a look of disgust and anger. What type of man would do those types of thing to a woman, let a alone a girl like her! Any real man would treat a woman with the respect she deserves. Any real man wouldn't need to force their woman to do things they didn't want to do! Lydia deserves so much more then that! Damn it, if there's no man out there who will treat her as she deserves then I sure as hell will! I will wither way! 

She takes a deep breath in and out a few times. I can tell she is trying to calm herself down. Right as I think it's working  she chucks her phone at the couch in anger. 

"What a nerve that immature puppy has! Thinks he can do whatever he wants to me without me saying something about it?! I'm not a push over like he is!" she yells in anger. I look at Bendy who looks at me. He motions for me to go over to her. I'm about to but she walks over to her sketchbook, opens to a page, take it out and rips it. She keeps ripping and ripping it. I go over to her and put my arms around her. She latches onto me. I can tell she's trying not to cry.  

I lead her over to the couch where I sit us down, her on my lap. She looks at Joey then looks down. She scoots off my lap but doesn't move far from me. 

"He seemed like the ideal match for me at first. He was charming, kind even. The longer I was with him the more and more it faded away. Whenever we were alone, which I tired to avoid happening, he would do things I didn't like. I trusted him and he threw it back in my face," she says, anger in her voice. 

I put my arm around her and she rests her head on my shoulder. Bendy growls and leaves without any words. Must be something to do with Alice. 

"I'm sorry you had to go through what your ex did to you," I tell her. She shrugs. 

My little sheep(Sammy x OC)COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now