~Chapter Twenty Five~

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(Norman's pov)

I'm me again. After all these years of being a monster I'm finally me. There's something special about that girl. Something different. I just can't put my finger on it. She is a lot like her mother. Always brightening other's days. It's nice to know that she's not truly dead. 

That beast. That demon. Joey Drew. The man who started this whole thing. I once respected him. He turned me into this monster. Lydia doesn't hate him for it. It baffles me. She still seems to care. If that guy can get the affection of his own daughter even when she knows what he's done then by hell he has my trust. 

We're on our way back to the lounge when we hear a scrabbly sound. All five of us look towards it and we see a horde of butcher gang member charging at us. The ink creature girl lets out a yelp whereas Lydia takes Sammy's axe out of his hand before he can react and is the first to react. 

"Dad, wren't they human?" she asks. 

"Yes," he growls. 

"They're rouge, Lydia." Sammy tells her. I have no doubt in the child with ink stained hair. If she can give me, Sammy's, and Joey's humanity back then I sure as hell bet she can befriend them. 

What she does next surprises us all. She drops the axe and kneels down right as one is in front of her and puts her hand on the hand holding the wrench. 

"This isn't you," she tells it. "This isn't who you want to be," she says softly. The other members have stopped and are staring at her. The one who she has her hand on turns it's head so that it's looking at its hand. 

"Who are you?" it asks, it's words hardly comprehendible to understand. 

"I'm Lydia," she tell it. In that moment I can't stop from admiring her. This place isn't a safe one and they is no friendly bodies here yet she's manage to make friends with them all. I'd give anything to be human again but I don't think it's possible. The poor girl has her mind set on accomplishing  it regardless.

It doesn't take long to get back to the lounge and we all sit down, the two girls on either side of Sammy, me and Joey sitting on a different couch. 

"I should probably explain what happened," Sammy tells me. 

"I was told where your father went by a searcher. I was on my way there when I found Susie being attacked my a butcher gang member so I helped her. I decided to stay at her makeshift shelter for the night. She told me how she felt the next day. What I was going to tell her was, I liked you too but I love my girlfriend," he tells her. She looks down in guilt and hugs him which he returns. 

The rest of the night goes by slowly. Nothing interesting really happens so I decide to go explore more of the studio where I haven't been yet. The girl, Susie says he left something at her shelter so I offer to go with her. 

We're walking in silence before I decide to break it. "What brought you to he studio?" I ask her. 

"I wanted to be a voice actor and singer," she tells me. 

I think about what she told me. I wonder if she remembers? I remember everything that happened, even being turned into an ink creature. I shudder at the memory and the searing pain I felt that day. I felt like something crawled inside of me and made it's home there, around my heart. My heart still had a beat but it's not blood, it's ink. 

We continue to talk and get to know each other more. She can't remember much before she woke up laying next to a river of ink. She must to have fallen in the ink then. It's a miracle she's still in one piece and to have her humanity. 

She a interesting girl to say the least. She makes me curious. She different from Lydia. The feeling I have when I'm around Lydia is hope, I don't feel like this place is dark, that there's still a chance to be human, light. It's confusing to explain but the feeling I get when I'm around her I would describe as light. For Susie though. She's a broken girl, been through a lot, probably more than she remembers. She makes me feel like I can be myself, like I don't have to hide anymore. I don't feel lost or alone when she's around. I don't understand any of it. 

She stops walking and looks at me. "We're here," she tells me. I look around but don't see any shelter. She walks up to a pile of rubble and to my surprise enters it. A minute later she comes out with something. A book. I get a glimpse at it for a second and I see it says, dark magic. Joey, what were you messing around with? I'm no fool. That magic stuff ain't no lie. I've seen witches with my own eyes. I was conscious the whole time I was turned. The whole time he was chanting words I couldn't understand. They did something. They changed me, made me this. 

"Got it," she says with a slight smile that stirs my almost motionless heart to beat a little faster. I've never had that feeling happen before. 

"Good," let's get back," I say. 

Here's another chapter to make up for the time I didn't update for awhile. I know, it's a bit short. Don't worry. When I do another major book edit I will add more to it. This chapter is also unedited for errors so sorry for the spelling and grammar errors. 

I'd like to thank @guigirl for her idea for this chapter and upcoming chapters. For now I won't say what idea she gave me so it can be a surprise for you all. 

I'd like to shout out @tttttsssss0 for her story. I'd suggest you go check out her book and vote and comment on her story. 




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