~Chapter ten~

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(Not my picture)

After 30 minutes of attempting to clean the couch I'm finally done. It's stained but oh well. Bendy just sulked, seeming angry at the blood and growling whenever he looked at it. I sigh. 

"Thank you Bendy but I have to go find Sammy now," I tell him as I walk over to him to hug him. 

Then he does something that startles me. he grabs me wrist, pulling me forwards and put both his hands both gloved and clawed on my head. I feel slightly dizzy but then I hear a voice inside my head; 'Why are you going after him after what he just did to you?' Bendy asks. 

Oh dear. No, no, no, it's not like that! I need him to know that before he kills Sammy! 

"You must misunderstand what happened," I tell Bendy and sigh when Bendy growls.

'Why is he so mad?' Bendy's voice is weird. 

"Because I didn't tell him I was a virgin," I say, looking away somewhat. Bendy growls again. 

'HE TOOK YOUR VIRGINITY?!' he yells in my head, causing me to flinch. 

Tears fill my eyes gain at the memory of him saying I should have told him. I pull away from Bendy with an angry sigh. If only I had thought to tell him!

"This is all my fucking fault! If only I had thought to tell him! Damn it! It's hard enough to think when he's kissing me, let alone to for an actual thought!" I yell and anger at myself as I turn my back towards him in fear of crying again. I can practically feel the anger coming from Bendy. 

Feeling Bendy's hand on my shoulder I look up at him as he puts his hands on my head again to communicate to me through thought. 

'Do you know how old he is?' Bendy asks. 

"Yes and he knows how old I am." I say. Why is he asking this? Why is it important at the moment?

Bendy lets out a light like sound that I didn't know he could make, then lets out a growl. 

'I have to go deal with something, I'll be back,' he tells me. 

"If it's Sammy then don't," I say. Bendy shakes his head and disappears through the wall leaving me surprised. 

"Well, it's time to go find Sammy," I say to myself. 

Opening the door I debate on which direction he went. Shrugging I go left, I'm probably wrong but on well. Least I tired. Wow. that sounds like I don't truly care. Of course I really care. I have to find him! No matter what! 

"Sammy," I call out in hopes I'll get a reply. I'm greeted with an uneasy silence. Jeez, was this place always so eerily quiet? Wrapping my arms around my shoulders I continue on in silence. 

I take about what feels like a hundred or so turns around corners before I realize I have no clue how to get back. "Damn it!" I say louder then I men to. "Ooops," I whisper. 

"Are you lost dear?" asks a female voice. I jump and almost scream. WHAT THE FUCK! 

"Who are you?" I exclaim in surprise. Damn, that scared this shit out of me! 

She giggles like a little girl. "I'm Alice angel, darling. How might you be?" She asks. Okay, she doesn't sound the least bit crazy at all, not the sarcasm. I'll just play along for now I guess. 

"I'm Lydia," I tell her. 

"Hello Lydia, would you like to see something?" she asks. Nope. Not at all but damn, now I'm curious. 

My little sheep(Sammy x OC)COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now