~Chapter Thirty~

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(Joey's Pov)

It's a boring search. I've looked two places out of the ten I'm supposed to look and I've found nothing. I sigh and go to my next place. 

As I'm searching I notice something I never have before. It's a raised floorboard. I lumber over to it with my oversized demon body. This form can sure move fast when it wants to but other wise I'm not the fastest. I can really only run fast in my beast form. 

I look at the floor board and I pry it away with my claws. I see a bendy plushie with dried blood on it. Good. I finally found one.  I don't remember putting it here. I don't remember much from around the time the ink took me over. I don't even remember how I was turned or how I turned others. I need to know so I can reverse this! So Lydia can reverse this. 

I growl. I need to find the other items! I decide to look through my cutouts at the next places but them I see someone. Henry. What's he doing here?I appear from the ink in front of him causing him to jump. He quickly regains himself. 

"I heard Sammy is human again," he says. 

"Yes," I tell him. He seems a bit surprised. 

(Susie's Pov)

Me and Norman are looking for one of the six objects when my foot decide to trip over air. Before I can go down though, he grabs my and and pulls me towards him. I look up in surprise at the very tall Norman. He wasn't always so tall. 

"T-thank you!" I stutter after a few seconds. He lets go of my arm and we awkwardly continue our way to the place we're supposed to search; The toy room. Once we get there I start to look around as well as Norman does. He's moving things out of the way so I decide to look in plain sight. I walk over to a rack filled with toys and see there's a little desk behind it so I squeez behind the rack and look at the desk. 

I move some things around until I open one of the drawers. I take a few things out and look at them. One is a jar of ink. I look at it and see something dried on it. Upon closer exception I see it's blood.

"Found one!" I say as I squeeze back out. Norman walks over to me with his overly long legs. I hand it to him. 

"Good, let's go," he says. With that we start our journey back. 

(Norman's Pov) 

As we're walking Susie seemingly trips over nothin'. I grab her arm and pull her towards me in a quick motion. She look up at me in surprise with her cartoon eyes. She was once a very pretty girl. Now she's ugly. There's still beauty in the ugly-ness. I'm glad to cal her a friend. But is that what he wants...

After a few seconds she blurts out the words, "T-thank you!" I let go of her arm. We continue but things feel awkward now. We eventually get to the toy room. 

I starts moving things on the shelves full of toys and Susie walks over to a shelf and gets behind it. I've searched just about every shelf when I hear Susie say, "Found one!" 

I walk over it her as he gets out from behind the shelf. She hands it to me and I look at it for a few seconds. 

"Good, let's go," I say and we start to walk back.

Okay, yeah, it's short. I'm sorry. I couldn't think of much for this chapter. That and I have to remember what's happened and not happened yet. I've already got the next chapter wrote and almost wrote things in this chapter that haven't happened yet. Oops. But here it is. Better than nothing I guess. I really hope you're all liking the book so far. Well, it wound't make sense if you didn't like the book and you've read this far. Soooo, thanks for reading this far! 




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