~Chapter Thirteen~

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(Henry's Pov)

I get home from work late today and see Lydia's car is gone. That's odd. She's never gone this late. She's probably with one of her friends or something. Shrugging I shut off my car and go inside, my first priority getting something to eat.

Oh, she left a note. I walk over to the note a read it. 

Hey Henry. Please don't kill me for this. I know I'm not supposed to but I just had to. I went to my dad's old studio. I know, I know. Something bad could happen. If you're reading this it's because something bad did happen. I never planed to not be home by this time. I'll come home! Eventually I'll find my way out, I promise! I love you. 


I stare at the note in worry and anger, food seeming not important anymore. She did the one thing I never allowed her to do. Out of the very few rules I give her she had to break the biggest one!

I sigh. I can't blame her. One upon a time I went there myself looking for Joey. But was almost killed by the demon. 

She's been gone for over a day now! I had the night shoft as well as the day shift this time so I've been gone for over 12 hours. It's not like i can call the police! They won't be able to do anything to the creatures that lurk there. 

I have to go find her! But first I need some rest. I don't do any good for Lydia if I'm dead tired. First I need to eat something then I have to try and get some sleep then I can go after my daughter. I don't care if we're not related or if she even calls me her dad. I raised her so therefore she's my daughter. I sigh as I make my sandwich. 

After I'm done eating I skip my shower and bed to bed. The sooner I get sleep and wake up the sooner I can go to the studio and help her. Wait, she should have her phone with her. Maybe I'm wrong and that's not where she is. Yes, that has to be it. 

I dial her number. Ring ring ring ring. She picks up. 

"Lydia, tell me you're not at your father's studio," I say, not able to hold back my anger at her going. 

She nervously laughs and says, "I love you."

"Get out now, you're grounded," I tell her. She is gonna be in so much trouble once she gets home... 

"Funny story," she says and sighs. "I kinda fell through the floor... But I'm okay! I'm with S... MYSELF," she says. SHE'S WITH WHO?! It better not be Sammy, I thought I killed him! I knew something bad would happen if she went there.

"Good. For a second I thought you were going to say you were with Sammy. I killed that ink creature a long time ago!" I say. She doesn't say anything for a second. 

"What? I think I'm losing connection," she says then the line goes dead. Damn it Lydia. I go to call her again but it goes straight to voice mail. Did she seriously turn off her phone? Damn it. 

I put my phone on the charger and lay down in bed. I must get some sleep so I can go get Lydia. I have to make sure she's safe!


>>>Time skip brought to you by Boris<<<<<

Once I get inside the studio I decide to do what I did last time. I gather all the objects needed and fix the ink pressure. Walking back towards the ink machine I know what's going to happen. The room is going to be boarded up. 

My little sheep(Sammy x OC)COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now