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So I wrote a few poems about Bendy. I'll post them here if anyone is interested. Hope you enjoy the poems. 

~This one is about Bendy~

I Am The Ink

I am Alive.

A creation—

A masterpiece for the divine.

An illusion brought to life on the silver screen.

A cartoon who was cursed with life.

In these endless halls I roam.

Forever alone...

Forsaken by those who I loved.

By those who once loved.

From the hand the created to the ink that made from the paper that was once my domain.

No longer a silly idea, no longer a drawing animated on the tapes.

Now teaming with life.

Once existing only in the mind.

A idea I was. A little though that was made into dreams.

But do dreams come true?

Maybe not all but mine did.

Now I am the monster I created.

Once a silly cartoon turned into a inky demon.

Once a guy with a family and studio to nothing but ink.

Nothing but ink.

Now am I ink. 

This one is about Norman Polk the projectionist

I'm Here

I'm here

Looking at you like a reflection in a mirror.

Seeing you like a deer in headlights.

I know you're here.

Though you don't know I am near.

Though you don't even know I'm alive

On your fear I will strive.

Like a projection on a screen you will see your life replayed as you live your last moments.

The light I cast, your only hope in this darkness.

These projections, lost stories on the walls.

The ink flowing through my halls, throughout in these walls.

Once a person, no longer an equal.

Once a being now soulless slab of ink .

My life like a projection, just a picture on a screen that will eventually fade and end.

Just a story, a memory of who I am.

Trapped within these walls.

Norman was the name, being a projectionist was the game.

Now I am the projectionist, Norman no longer the name. 

This one is about Bendy and is not based of this book. This is based off the Bendy from the game

I Am Just A Ghost

I am just a ghost. 

Lost amongst the walls that surround me.

I'm callin' out, can you hear me?

I'm calling out,


yet soundless.

These halls are endless.

I am just a ghost.

Most will never know

I'm standing here now but I'm just invisible.

I'm invisible.

Once loved,

a creation for the masses

Now discarded in these endless halls I will forever roam.

In these halls that never end

My life, it's just a lie.

Cartoons can never die

but.....rather, are forgotten. 

So here are the poems. Let me know what you think and which one you liked the most. I'd love to hear your feedback. And in case any of you didn't know I do write poems as well. I'm currently open to taking poem requests. If you want me to write a poem just tell me what you want it to be about and I'll write it for you. 

If anyone wants to check out my poems I have a book called my Poems WattPad under this account. 




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