~Chapter Nine~

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(Not my own picture)

(Joey's Pov)

Wondering around my studio I'm bored. I wonder how Sammy and Lydia are doing? I'm afraid that he's taken a 'special' liking to her since I let her live. Well of course I let her live! She's my daughter for fuck sake. 

Deciding I'll drop by I go there but when I do no one notices me and I hear crying. Smelling blood I rush over to Lydia's side. I put my hand on her shoulder which seems to surprise her. 

I can smell where Sammy went and I let out a growl, looking at the door he used to leave my poor Lydia here alone. 

"Please don't," she whispers. "It's my fault. I should have told him!" she says in anger, regret noticeable in her tone.

I pick up her clothing. I'd be blushing right now if I was capable of doing so after I saw her underwear. It looks more like a lace thong to me then underwear. Gosh Joey, you're being a perv right now! I turn around she she can get dressed. 

Wait! Blood! WHAT DID HE DO TO MY DAUGHTER! I'M GONNA KILL HIM! How dare he do such thing to her. Gosh, I hope this wasn't her first time! Her first time can't be a rape! I'M GONNA KILL HIM! 

I watch as Lydia gets up to clean the couch and I can't help but be sad. She's here too. Just like me but she's not an ink monster. God she's just as beautiful as her mother. Stop is Joey! You can't admire your daughter in that way! She's not Darcy! 

I debate on rather or not go find Sammy but I don't want to leave and come back to see him sexually assaulting her again. 

It takes my daughter half an hour to get the couch clean before she puts everything away and sighs. 

"Thank you Bendy but I have to go find Sammy now," she tells me as she walks over to me. 

I know this might startle her but will scare her less then my growl voice will. I grab her wrist, pull her towards me and put both my gloved and my clawed hand on either side of her head. I hope this doesn't make her sick when I do this. 

'Why are you going after him after what he did to you?' I ask her through thought. 

"You misunderstand what happened," she tells me. I growl and she sighs. I decide to figure out why he's mad if he didn't force himself upon her. 

'Why is he so mad?" I ask her. 

"Because I didn't tell him I was a virgin," she says, trying to turn her head to look away but can't. I growl from anger. That dammed ink creature took my daughters virginity! Does she even know how old he is?! 

'HE TOOK YOUR VIRGINITY?!' I yell in anger in her mind causing her to flinch making me feel bad. I never met to scare her...I see tears fill her eyes as if she just remembered something. She pulls away from me and sighs. 

"This is all my fucking fault! If only I had thought to tell him! Damn it! It's hard thought to think when he's kissing me, let alone for an actual thought!" she yells in anger and turns her back towards me. I can tell she's trying not to to break down. WAIT! Has he kissed her more than once?! I'm gonna... Now's not the time Joey, Lydia needs you. 

I walk over to her and put my gloved hand on her shoulder. She looks up at me as I put my hands back on her head so I can talk to her again. If only she knew I was her father. She defiantly wouldn't have said half of what she just did right now. I need to know this first. 

'Do you know how old he is?' I ask her. 

"Yes and he knows how old I am," she says and looks a little confused. 

My little sheep(Sammy x OC)COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now