And She Was Gone

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Chapter 1

Dan Smith is the lead singer of the band bastille he got married to his longtime girlfriend Amelia and now they are expecting a baby girl..

Dan and Amelia have been planning the birth of their daughter for the last nine months and now it was coming all so soon, Dan was at rehearsals when he got the call from Amelia..

*phone call*

"Hey Dan where are you?"

"Oh shit I forgot sorry I am with the guys, (they all yell hello to her through his phone) I am coming now is the baby coming?"

"No she's not but we need some more stuff for the baby's room remember"

"Oh shit, shit I'm leaving now"

I hung the phone up and headed to my car and drove to pick up Amelia from our house and we headed to the baby shop. Amelia was tired and so I went into the store I didn't know what to do so I called her and she was telling me what to get. I went to the register and paid for everything.., I never knew that babies cost so much and they will grow out of the stuff in days.. I headed to the car and loaded everything up and kissed Amelia on the lips and we drove off..

We headed home and I unpacked everything, after it was all unpacked i went and made dinner I was good at making pasta because it was easy. After we ate dinner and I was putting the babies room up and making it was all ready I heard muffled sobs and I saw Amelia in the corner of our flat crying and rubbing her stomach..

"Hey whats wrong baby"

"What if I can't be her mother and what if she doesn't like me"

"She will love you because I love you and she will too..."

"You always make me so happy how am I lucky to have you Danny?"

"Well if I didn't spill that drink on you at the Halloween party in 2010 you wouldn't be here"

"Your plan all along."

"You know me"

"Dan can you sing to me please"

"Do I have to?"

"Please, I really love when you sing to me and you know how to make me better and our little girl will enjoy it too"

"Fine but because I am in a battle with two women who are the loves of my life"

We got up and I danced with her singing sleep song and she was now resting her head on my shoulder and I just kept singing it until Amelia was now kissing my lips, I picked her up and we headed to the bedroom and we fell asleep.

I was awoken in the middle of the night when amelias water broke and she was so calm, I was freaking out and getting things and being in a panic. Then I started to panic and Amelia had to calm me down..

We arrived at the hospital and waited outside until they told me when I could see her. I was waiting for a long time my family was with me and we were wondering what's happening then they brought a baby wrapped in a pink blanket, they put her in my arms.. she was so tiny and looked so small I held her close to my chest and cried..

"Hey princess you are here and daddy loves you so much"

"Can we see Amelia now?"

Doctor Peters:"can we talk in private Mr Smith?"

"What's going on, we are here for Amelia"

Doctor Peters:"I'm sorry, but she died after giving birth to your daughter.. We tried everything we could do but she unfortunately she suffered a Placental abruption, we tried everytbing.. I'm really sorry for you loss.."

"Wait what are you saying?"

"She passed away"

"Can I see her?"

"Yes but she will be taken to the morgue"

"I don't care I wanna see my wife"

Then I felt all these emotions coming out of me at once, my mum took the baby from me and I went to see Amelia... she was laying there lifeless and it was only hours ago she was here and now she's not. How can I do this on my own; I was holding her hand when I said, "Don't leave me... How am I suppose to take care of our baby without you?"

"I cant even look after my self and now I am a widow and your not with me anymore" I said as the tears fell from my eyes she was gone and now I will never smell, or feel her again..

I left the hospital and I went home with the baby, I named her Amelia and I closed the door from the outside world and had to take care of my daughter who needs me..

Later that night I woke up and heard Amelia crying and she wouldnt settle after changing and feeding and reading everything the books nothing was working so then I knew what made her mum calm down and that was to sing.. So I did..

You go to sleep on your own,

And you wake each day with your thoughts

And it scares you being alone,

It's a last resort

Don't talk to strangers

Oh you go to sleep on your own,

And you wake each day with your thoughts

And it scares you being alone,

It's a last resort...

I had tears in my eyes and Amelia was asleep on my shoulder like her mum did and it made me think how can she be fine one minute and gone the next.. My life was now in shambles but I knew Amelia needed me..

Dan and AmeliaWhere stories live. Discover now