Kristy's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night, I needed to get out or here, Dan and I definitely weren't going to be anything and I can't deal with him right now. I had just packed my stuff and wrote a letter to Isla to say that I am sorry for everything and that she can tell Dan.. I was now about to head out of the door when I heard laughing and I saw Dan with a blonde woman.. He came up to his room and shut the door, obviously he's drunk as he wouldn't of done this to me.. Or maybe he hates me so much that he wants me to suffer. Wiping the tears from my face I headed down the stairs and headed out into the London streets.. I found a bus stop and sat down the next one wasn't going to be for the next few hours so I can make the most of it until then.. I didn't want to leave Elia but I had no choice..

A few hours later the bus came and I got on, making sure that my phone was off and I was now heading somewhere.. I sat down and looked out of the window not wanting to do anything but forget I ever loved Dan Smith...

After finally getting off at my stop I headed into a flat I knew all to well, it was when I was staying here before and I needed somewhere to live.. My ex best friend let me stay she may have been fucking my ex boyfriend but I don't care as long as I was away from him.. Fighting back the tears as I saw it was early morning, Elia would be up soon and wanting to know where I was.. Hoping he doesn't come looking for me I just laid my head down on the pillow of my old flat and fell into a horrible sleep..

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