Dan's POV

A month later

It had been a month since Kristy and I had sex, I was  shocked that she let me have her that night after the concert but I didn't really remember much because I was drunk.. I headed over to Elia who was eating her breakfast, now that my little girl was growing up I never thought I would want anyone else in my life besides her and Kristy.. I had just hopped out of the shower, my towel wrapped around my mid section I headed to get dressed.. I came out and saw Elia now in her play pen watching TV.. Kristy was on the computer doing something when I sat down at the table and saw her.. She smiled at me and I smiled back, we haven't really spoke about that night and maybe she didn't want it to happen..

"We don't have a convert tonight, you want to head to Disney Land with Elia?"

"Um, sure if you want me too.."

"Of course I mean it wont be the same without you.." I said now looking at Kristy, she smiled at me and headed to get dressed.. I walked over and picked my little girl and up and kissed her head..

A few hours passed, we were having a good time.. We headed on all the rides and was enjoying ourselves when I saw Kristy come off a ride.. She wasn't looking too good and I had to laugh.. "Ride didn't agree with you?"

"No.. I think I may need to sit down.."

"Okay, I'll get you some water.."

"Thanks Dan.."

I walked back and saw that Kristy's head was in her knees, she was now breathing in and out, when she got up and vomited into the bin near her.. I had to laugh because I know the feeling of being on a ride and feeling sick after..

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I think the hotdog didn't agree with me either.." She said now taking a sip of the water I brought for her..

"Why don't we head back?"

"What about Elia?"

"She's all tired from the big day, come on we can get you to rest." I said taking her hand with mine as I had Elia on my shoulder..

Later that night I saw Elia and Kristy asleep on the sofa in the hotel room, I picked up Elia and took her to bed, after that I carried Kristy bridal style and laid her in my bed, I knew we weren't anything but she didn't feel to good so I wanted to make sure she was okay, if she needed to get up in the night..

Laying with Kristy in my arms was peaceful and I missed having her apart of me..

Dan and AmeliaWhere stories live. Discover now