I dont want to talk about..

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Chapter 3..

I woke up from a long sleep I checked my clock and it was 10am I looked up and put my glasses on and headed to get Aj but she wasn't in her cot and I got worried so I went to the kitchen and I saw her in her bouncer and she was asleep. Kristy was awake and cleaning up, I smiled at her and went to Aj and kissed her head.

"How long has she been up for?"

"A few hours and you were asleep, I tired to wake you at one point and you didn't so I left you and I took her out to feed her and change her.. I hope that is ok"

"Yeah that's fine I am sorry I slept so long"

"Don't be, you needed sleep and its tough being on your own"

"Than you again.."

"I made you some breakfast I am going to have a shower and when your ready we can get my stuff or if your busy I can get a taxi? Its no problem.."

"No its ok really Kristy let me have something to eat and I'll be ready to go soon."

"Sure ok I'll be in the shower"

Kristy walked to the bathroom and locked the door I went over to see she made eggs, bacon and pancakes and fresh coffee..

I grabbed some stuff and headed to Aj who was asleep in her bouncer and watched her dream and it was so cute. I haven't had a good nights sleep since Amelia and it was refreshing.. I really like having Kristy here with me and I hope she mind me being a worried parent most of the time.

Kristy hopped out of the shower and she put her work clothes on from yesterday. I went to my room and gave her one of my shirts so she could be comfy in and I hadn't worn the T-shirt because it had cats on it and kyle brought it for me a few years ago.

"Here wear this until we get your stuff"

"You sure Dan?"

"Yeah and I feel like it would look better on you than me"

"Ok thank you, are you kidding me cats kissing?"

"My friend got it for me and long story I'm sorry"

"Haha, its ok really I like it"

"Ok I'll go and take a shower I'll be back soon"

"Ok, I'll be here watching Aj"

I headed into the shower and I let the hot water run down my body and let my mind become clear while I was thinking about how my life was easier now with Kristy helping me with Aj and how I can finally get back into the studio and work on our 3rd album and see the guys too..

About what seemed like a really long shower I got out and dried my self and went to my room, I got dressed stuck my glasses on and fixed my hair and headed out to see Aj now awake and getting fed I was smiling at the fact that Kristy looked like at natural. I took a photo of it and sat next to her while she burped Aj..

"Here I took this I hope its ok"

"Ugh no I look horrible"

"No it looks really nice, I'm going to keep it.. You and Aj are my lock screen"

"Awe that is sweet but please crop me out"

"Nah i like it"

After a few minutes of play arguing and saying that I am not going to change the photo I got Ajs nappy bag and filled it up with stuff and we headed to get Kristy's stuff from her flat. She was sharing it with a coworker and she hopes her stuff is still there.

We headed to the car, after Kristy put Aj in the baby seat and buckled her up we headed to her place. It was in a small house and it was run down. I felt bad she lived here and how she never found something else when she was working at the cafe.

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