Kristy's POV

A few days after the Disney Land not so good feeling, I had come down with the flu and it was bad.. I was throwing up, my throat was sore and so was my whole body.. Dan had been so helpful and I had to go into my hotel room because of Elia, I didn't want to make her sick and so this wasn't something I needed her to get at the moment..

Dan had been running around getting me things and making sure I was okay, I really enjoyed him and I couldn't believe that he was being so nice to me.. I had gotten up from throwing up in the bathroom and headed back to my bed when Dan came in.. If I was sick with the flu he definitely didn't seem to mind.. I was worried because of his voice and of he got sick on the tour we would have to cancel the concerts.. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Dan came over to me with some water and other fluids..

"Hey, you need to careful you will get sick..." I said throwing up into the bathroom once more..

Dan came over and rubbed my back and put my hair up, I was now feeling like deaths door when he picked me up and carried me to the bed, I sighed and laid into his arms.. Elia was with the guys and they didn't mind having her... Chrissy and Woody had a baby girl naming her Rose piper Wood, I was so happy for them and seeing how Chrissy was on tour with Woody we made sure that he could see her as much as he could.. The label was so understanding, well in Dan's contract he made sure of the terms for his mates and himself..

"Hey, hows Rose and Elia?"

"They are fine, but you need to rest.."

"Okay Sir.." I said with a smirk and fell asleep next to Dan..

A few hours later, I was feeling better.. I was with the guys and Elia.. When I noticed she didn't look to good, she had a rash and her lips were swollen.. I called Dan he and I headed to the hospital, the guys came after.. We were now waiting for the doctor to come out when Dan looked at me and held my hand, I knew this was killing him and I felt bad..

Doctor:"okay so Elia is fine, she had a reaction to peanuts.."

Dan was now sighing a relief when I felt bad, I gave it to her.. But I didn't know..

The doctor left and I was now shifting in my seat when Dan came to me..

"Hey are you okay?"

"No Dan, I fed her the nuts.. I'm sorry I didn't know she would react to it.."

"Why... You know kids under the age of 3 can't have them.." Dan said now looking at me with hate in his eyes..

"Dan, I was giving her a sandwich how would I know she couldn't have peanuts.."

"You should of just known Kristy.."

"I'm sorry.." I said now with tears in my eye.. Dan was being rude.. It was a mistake..

"What if this was your child?"

"That's not fair Dan.." I was now hurt he brought up them miscarriage and I knew he wasn't being like this..

"Just leave.." Dan said as I had tears in my eyes.. I couldn't believe he was acting like this..

"Dan... I.... I'm... Sorry.." I said while trying to touch his arm but he moved it.. Then he got more angry..


He said now making Elia cry.. I had tears in running down my cheeks when I walked away, I can't believe that he was blaming me for a mistake, I was walking down the corridor when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach I screamed in pain and saw Kyle rush to me. The last thing I saw was black spots and then falling to the ground.

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