Dan's POV

4 months had passed and in that time Elia had turned 1 and she was growing up so fast, my mum had taken her so I was able to travel to America for tour.. My mum was happy to do it and I wished Kristy was with me.. I had just came back to London for a gig that we put 3 shows on hold for.. It was something I wanted to do and we were here for 2 weeks then it was back to San Francisco to do our concerts that we had to postpone.. I was in the tent with the guys and their partners feeling like the loser out of the bunch, we were in our own little world and I didn't think I would see her again.. That was until she came into the tent with our drinks I was shocked and surprised because I wanted to take her in my arms and just have her back with me and Elia...

"Well I am your server today, if you need me I'll be in the bar.." She said with a hitch in her tone and it looked like she seen a ghost.. The guys knew that I had been a mess without her.. It was hard for me to even work with but I had to get through it and I know that she was okay at least I hoped...

A few hours later she came back in with our order not talking to anyone, when Chrissy was asking her about how she needed some more water because she was now 8 months along, Kristy nodded and then spoke "I'll be back with your water Chrissy.. She said giving a smile to her before running out of the tent, I had to find out what had happened and why she left me that night and so I got up and followed her.
I walked out of the tent and headed to see Kristy, she was walking to where the other workers were and took their breaks, I headed to see her and was able to finally tell her what I needed to say...

"Kristy.. Just listen, when you walked out I never thought I was able to move on and I haven't but I know that I fucked up and I'm sorry., I wish I could take back what I said and did to you. But I can't and I wish you would come back to me and Elia she misses you so much you have no idea on how much I want you to see her.. If you can put whatever shit you have against me aside and just come back to me I will do anything.. Please forgive me Kristy.."

Kristy was now standing there with tears in her eyes, she wasn't sure of what to say.. I saw her sit down on one of the chairs, her breathing got quickened and she started to hyperventilate...

"Kristy, breathe okay, I'll get someone.."

But she didn't want me to go she just held onto my arm as I was now rubbing her back, finally after someone went in and told someone we saw an ambulance come and take her.. I was able to go into the van as I lied and said I was her fiancé..

"It will be okay."

Dan and AmeliaWhere stories live. Discover now